Part II

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Wanda Stans gonna eat good today!

"She's out." Dr.Palmer says, opening Wanda's eyelids to show her eye rolled back unconscious. "Dim the lights."

The lights dimmer while one sentry bot adjusts Wanda upwards and another wrapping a blue surgical tarp around her body, Dr.Palmer watching as a sentry bot hands her a saw cutter to start the surgery.

Wanda woke up in her home, a warm golden hue to it as she looks around seeing the inside was completely cleaned and her boys were coloring in the kitchen table. Her hair now back to it's regular length and the clothing is her work suit.

Everything was quiet, peaceful, making her smile happily once more not even realizing dark appendages slither over her body and wrap against her tightly. Pulling her to her knees as she looks up to see The Scarlet Witch and tears fall down her smiling face at the unamused monsterous version of herself looking down at her.

"Know that they'll be taken care of."  The Scarlet Witch tells her with actual empathy in her gravelly voice, watching the tendrils pull the sadly smiling Wanda into a dark void as the golden reality becomes shrouded into crimson smoke.

"Heart beat just critically elevated." The Sentry bots tells Palmer who was centimeters away from the saw touching Wanda's head, Palmer looking over at the heart rate monitor confused.

Glowing red eyes pop open and a massive crimson explosion rocks the entire Illuminati Headquarters, creating a massive hole in the center of the building as dense smoke and flames raise to the skies.

A glowing crimson figure plants her feet on the rubble charred ground around herself, looking over to see the burnt skeletal remains of Christine Palmer next to her with a shocked expression on her skull and The Scarlet Witch stomps it to pieces.

"Everyone stay alert!" Carol calls out to her teammates as they gather around in the center of the headquarters, readying themselves to fight The Scarlet Witch off.

Echos of faint laughter swirled around in the air, everyone looking around sharp eyed heading in different directions at once before a Sentry head rolls it's way to Carol's feet.

Carol looks down at it before looking up at the Witch in front of her face outta nowhere and blasts Carol against a wall, everyone turning to attack but she was gone immediately.

"Carol you alright?" Reed asks helping her up, Carol genuinely felt the wind knocked outta her body despite taking heavier hits before.

"Yeah, she just appeared!" Carol exclaims in disbelief, trying to scan around to see The Scarlet Witch was anywhere.

"You can't get rid of me." She tells them, everyone looking up to see The Scarlet Witch hovering in the air with a crimson aura around her body. "You never could and you never will."

"We don't want to fight you Wanda." Reed tries to use discussion as a trying way to defuse the situation against her.

"Wanda is no longer here, only I am now." She tells them with her signature teeth growl, crossing her arms at them like the dominant one she is.

"We can't let you take control of the universe, that's not happening." Tony tells her, The Scarlet Witch giving him an amused smile.

"What's the atheist supposed to do in the presence of a God? Lecture me of walking fish? You're not saviors, just hypocrites in masks." She mocks them with a seething hiss (spit effect).

"You are no God!" Ghost Rider retorts angrily with a firm point of his finger at her. "A false idol of chaos and destruction is what you are! A bastard witch with a God complex!"

Her face drops at him into a disgusted scowl, eyes glowing with burning hatred at all of them and cracks her knuckles.

"You dare talk to me of COMPLEX!?" She lividly roars out, releasing a shockwave of hex energy that shakes the entire building and knocks them back on the ground.

"You all sit around in your fancy seats each month a year claiming to make tough decisions for the safety and progression of the universe but you all would've sacrificed trillions if it meant to keep one universe intact outta the many others! You're all the false Gods!" She lashes out at them, spit firing outta her mouth with anger seething outta her face making it turn faintly red.

"Yet you act like if you exit this facility you're gonna be some saint!?" Carol snaps back at her, The Scarlet Witch scoffs at her with a haughty smile.

"I am part of nature herself sweetheart, you're just some punk pilot created from an accident. You think you're special because most things couldn't hurt you anymore? No, you're just as self egotistical and brash as the rest of these men but you think your power makes you any different from them!"

Carol clenches her fist tightly, increasingly wanting to pound her face into paste but forces herself to restrain back from doing so.

"You can all die here or stay outta my path, this is the only choices you have from me." She warns them but everyone stays firm in place, not wanting her to escape this facility at all costs.

"We can't let that happen Wanda." Reed tells her sternly, standing tall as her face growls revealing her sharpened teeth.

She turns to Black Bolt who looks about ready to say what's on his mind but The Scarlet Witch's face relaxes and creates a smile.



Black Bolt's head explodes into blood and brain matter that splatters all over the ground and nearby Illuminati members horrifying them to the core.

"BLACK BOLT!" Reed calls out distraught as Black Bolt's body falls to the floor limp with blood seeping outta his neck.

"Then so be it, death it i-"

"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Carol releases a ragefull primal scream that shakes the entire place as she blasts The Scarlet Witch across the headquarters and scrapping her against the shielding as The Scarlet Witch cries out being burned alive by the massive energy blast.

To Be Continued!

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