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They silently ate their pancakes at the table, the four unsure what to say to each other with each bite and awkward glance. Peter at this moment realized he wasn't the one good with kids but it was Spider-Man.

He can feel the boys judgement peering into his very soul. They didn't hate Peter but they didn't fully trust anyone trying to take their mother's hand.

*Christ, and I thought Wolverine gave uneasing glares.* Peter thinks to himself.

"Do you got a car?" Tommy asks outta the blue.

"Tommy." Wanda sternly says his name.

"Uh no I don't." Peter decides to answer, best to just answer the boys questions to get this over with.

"Do you have a job?" Billy asks him next.

"I'm a research scientist."

"Cool, what do you research?" Tommy asks, sounding intrigued by the nerdy sounding work.

"I research nanotechnology to help sick or disabled people."

"Oh that sounds really nice, right boys?" She smiles at Peter, looking at her boys in assurance trying to hype up Peter's profile.

"Yeah." They both reply in defeat, can't really trash on someone helping people as their living.

Wanda internally celebrates to herself, finally thinking she's getting through her boys about Spider-Man aka Peter.

"What are your intentions with our mother then?" Billy asks.

*Vine Boom*

Wanda's eyes widen and Peter nearly spits his orange drink back into his cup.

"Um well-"

"Billy Tommy, go downtown to the Arcade and don't come back till the streetlights turn on." She tells them, tossing $100 right outta her purse at them as the two immediately run out the door thanking their mother.

"I'm sorry about them, they're rather rambunctious." She apologizes, blushing away from Peter as she strokes a strand of hair back from her face.

"It's fine, what kid isn't?" Peter chuckles as he moves over next to Wanda who leans her head against his shoulder.

"So, are we moving up in our relationship already?" She asks, seeing her boys ride their bikes away down the street from the window.

"Guess we are Wanda, guess we are." He pecks her forehead making her smile wider as she returns the favor with a peck to his chin.

"Shall we enhance the mood here in casa de Maximoff?" She asks biting her lip as Peter smiles and nods, Wanda turning on her vinyl disc player as it plays slow jazz.

She leads Peter by his hands to the living room where she adjusts him into a slow dance stance, guiding him with each step while the two gaze into each other's eyes waltzing.

"Thank you Peter, for everything." She tells him, leaning her head against his forehead.

Meanwhile outside a woman in purple and dark attire looks over at the Maximoff household with her bags in hand.

I want to congratulate Johnny Depp at this time for winning his defamation case against Amber Turd, I understand it has been hard these past years Mr.Depp not being able to use your voice to properly defend yourself against her false criminalizing and abusive claims. You sir are many of our childhoods and our inspirations.

Many of us had your back then and many of us still have your back now, thank you Mr. Depp and congratulations once again.

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