The Truth

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Wanda rested against her chair, running a hand through her hair as she thinks about the positive experience she had together with Peter earlier. She saw him as a courteous, loveable, and brave individual who wanted nothing more than to make people feel safe and loved.

She felt like the luckiest woman on the planet right now, her heart fluttering just even thinking how close she was becoming to him. Best part was he wasn't backing down on her just cause she was a mother, in her eyes he was the keeper she wanted.

She smiles before hearing the sounds of sinister cackling surrounding her, Wanda standing immediately upright with a look of fear upon her face as she looks around the room for those pills Pietro gave her.

She messily scours the living room and kitchen for the pill container, the lights and appliances flickering on and off around her making her hastily search for them faster.

She finally finds the container and a glimmer of hope spreads across her face before opening them up and realizing the pills were replaced with standard ibuprofen, panic and dread sink into her expression dropping the container.

"No no no no no..." She quivers fearfully, the laughter getting louder as she covers her ears and messes up her hair trying to block out the laughter of the dark being inside herself. "Leave me alone!" She cries out pleadingly, feeling her eyes fading in and out of red.

"I told you before didn't!?" The Scarlet Witch calls out to her as Wanda grits her teeth at the searing pain striking in her head, her eyes shutting tight as she grabs herself against the counter from falling.

"Please stop!" She begs, hissing as more pain strikes in her head like dozens of searing needles attacking it. "Stop!"

"I told you I WAS GOING TO BE IN CONTROL!" The room bursts into chaos, things begining to swirl around in a room sized vortex. Wanda covers her head from flying debris as she tries to escape the kitchen yet again.

"I won't let you hurt my kids!" She cries out, trying to drag herself up the stairs till she feels herself dragged back down and bangs her head against a stairs causing a bleeding bruise on her head.

The Scarlet Witch emerges behind her looking scornful at Wanda who turns around afraid of her doppelganger's presence as she goes to grab her before the door slams open.

A woman in a purple dress and wild black hair appears at the door with unpleased glowing violet eyes staring down The Scarlet Witch who hisses at her.

Agatha Harkness shouts out a spell and fires it at The Scarlet Witch who cries out in pain at the impact of the attack, a smouldering wound on her dark red body before Agatha summons a purple whip that cracks against The Scarlet Witch who retreats for now back into Wanda.

Wanda looks up at Agatha in all her sensual witchy glory, Agatha looking down relieved that Wanda is alright.

"Agnes?" Wanda asked bewildered, shocked her next door neighbor was some sorceress the entire time and looked rather relatively younger than last time she saw her leave for vacation.

"I feared the worst and it has come true, come sweetheart there's much to discuss." Agatha tells her, extending her hands out to Wanda who takes them and hugs Agatha tightly.

Agatha consoles Wanda who stifles her sobs against Agatha's chest. Agatha coos her gently as she guides her neighbor to the inside of her gothic house.

"I'm terrified Agnes, she's getting more powerful and I can't even stop her anymore." Wanda speaks clearly as she wipes her face from tears and mucus.

"I know sweetie, I'm sorry I wasn't here to protect you but it seems she took advantage of my vacation to manipulate you into giving her full control of your own body." Agatha explains as she reverts her dress into a more casual one and her hair made back into a bun.

"You mean, you lived next door to me to protect me?" She asks quietly, unsure how to take all this in.

"I may be a witch Wanda but even we know The Scarlet Witch is a far malevolent force of nature than even what the dark dimension is capable of."

"I-I thought I was just a unfortunate mutant?"

"You have the Mutant gene but your powers are far past whatever science created you all Wanda, you're practically powerful enough to fight Gods." Agatha tells her, Wanda shaken to the core as she realizes what could happen if the Scarlet Witch is fully released from her.

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