Chaos Theory

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"Hey Peter are you her-" Kitty stops herself realizing Peter hasn't returned from last night at all, checking her phone to see zero calls or texts from her roommate.

She wonders and thinks maybe he's in trouble, wouldn't put it past him with the endless crazies he's always fighting against every month.

"Come on Lockheed, time for Shadowcat to shine." She tells her dragon, opening up her suitcase to reveal her signature yellow and black outfit.

Spider-Man stirs awake in a bed not his own, the song Angel in the morning playing on the alarm clock seeing Wanda asleep peacefully next to him in her pajama clothing.

He realizes much as he cares for Wanda this wasn't the best look in case her children barge into the room, he doesn't need his own Christmas song of Mommy kissing Spider-Ma-oh wait it already did.

...He didn't need it confirmed regardless.

He needed a miracle to get outta this situation scott free, till he realizes Wanda brought him here and she could bring him back.

He gently shakes Wanda awake, Wanda moans opening her eyes seeing Spider-Man in front of her and smiles half-awake at him petting his cheek.


"Hi. Can you teleport me back to New York City please?"

"Oh, can't you stay for breakfast?" She asks with a pouty face.

"No." He deadpans respectfully.

"You're no fun." She giggles drunkenly, Spider-Man looking up to notice empty wine bottles next to her and facepalms realizing the situation just got trickier.

"Wanda I -"

*Ding dong*

"Mom! The door is ringing!" Billy calls out from downstairs.

"Answer it!" She calls out before collapsing on her floor.

"Aw crapbaskets."

Billy opens the door to see a intimidating man in a white attire looking down at him.

"Hey kid is your mom here?"

"Do you work for my mom?" Billy asks suspicious about the mysterious man.

"No kid I'm here to help her out with personal stuff."

"Our mom's a busy lady, do you have an invitation to be here?" Billy doesn't budge against Marc, making things more difficult for the ex mercenary as he begins to have his patience tested.

"Wanda seriously need you to get it together here." He helps her up as she begins to hurk, Spidey taking it as the clear sign what went down is about to come up.

He rushes her to her bathroom as the boys confront Marc from entertaining their homestead and whatever plans he has with their mother.

Kitty was atop their apartment's rooftop, about to make contact with the X-Men on her communicator before swiftly turning around to see the infamous Black Cat across the rooftop posing at her.

"What a unfortunate surprise, seems Spider-Man has another lost woman trying to place their hands on what's rightfully mines." She tells Kitty who chuckles amused by the cat anti-hero's remarks, being well aware who she was.

"You and him? You actually want me to laugh at your bad jokes Catwoman?" She remarks at Black Cat, irking her on.

"I came with passive intentions but it seems you just want me to scar that cute little face of yours." She growls before smirking confidently, popping her claws out for Kitty to she who merely yawns at them.

Black Cat growls and tries slashing at the arrogant woman, phasing through her throwing her off guard. She turns around about to ask her what she is before she felt both her arms go completely limp.

"What just happened!?" She exclaims, trying to move her arms to no avail and beginning to increasingly freak out.

"I disabled your arms, good luck getting down from here bitch." She gestures her farewell as her and Lockheed phase through the rooftop, Black Cat angrily shouting profanities as she's trapped on the locked rooftop.

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