The Date

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"Wait you actually did it, you actually asked that woman out?" Kitty asks him with a surprised expression, eating his chow mien leftovers from the fridge at his table.

"Why are you still here again?" He asks doing crunches upside down on his ceiling.

"Well I thought you wouldn't mind if I crashed her for a little while." Kitty replies with a mouthful, her companion Lockheed sleeping nearby and her bags near the doorway.

"I see. But why should I let you stay here when you got a mansion as a backup home?" He continues to ask, Kitty getting up and walking over to him. She holds him and places and french kisses him while he's upside down.

"How's that for a answer?" She smirks confidently at him.

"Okay you get to stay but you need to chip in with the rent, Mister Ditkovitch is probably a mutant with how he senses money around here." He tells her, feeling rather nostalgic about the kiss.

"Thanks Pete." She smiles and walks back to her table to continue his Chow Mien. Peter shrugs and continues his workout routine, wondering how his date is gonna turn out tonight.

Wanda meanwhile was getting herself ready for tonight's date from arranging everything with the babysitter to trying to figure out what she would officially wear for her first date.

She decided on a blue plaid shirt from a certain Ralph brand along with her apple bottom jeans, and some walking shoes incase they decide to take a stroll around.

"Well, how do I look?" She asks her boys who give her supportive thumbs up.

"Cool mom, who's the lucky guy?" Billy asks, Wanda realizing she never told them who she really is seeing.

"Oh just some guy I met today, hopefully things turn out well tonight." She tells them. "Now you boys promise me you won't give the babysitter a hard time?" She asks getting down to their level.

"We promise mom." They respond in unison.

"Good, no horror movies and sweets."

"Aww." They groan dejectedly.

"Gotta go, love you both." She pecks their foreheads before exiting her household, driving off to New York City.

"She's gone?" Tommy asks as Billy watches their mother leave from his view.

"Yep, and the babysitter won't be here for another half hour." Billy tells his brother, both smiling at each other as they run to the tv and then it on as The Evil Dead plays.

"Wicked cool." Tommy says in awe, pulling out a bowl of popcorn and eating a handful.

*Sounds of screaming from the tv*

Wanda fortunately finds a parking space in front of Mick's Diner (accidentally wrote Nick before), putting her hair back into a bun before heading inside.

She looks around before seeing a man in a hooded jacket wearing Spider-Man's mask waving at her from his table.

*Unbelievable.* She chuckles to herself before walking over and sitting opposite of him placing her purse to the side.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting this to be quite honest." She smiles at him, finding it kinda goofy.

"Secret Identity but hey it's something modest at least."

"I appreciate the effort Spider-Man, guessing you haven't really done this before huh?"

"Not at all to be honest, but since you're here you gave me a chance."

"That I did, guess this isn't something too bizarre for a New Yorker huh?" She chuckles, her grin filled Spidey with hidden happiness.

"No, New Yorkers are people who'll always see something crazier ahead of time so I consider is relatively tame." He chuckles back, feeling great things are going smoothly so far.

"Nice to have ya in the building Spidey." Mick (Stan) approaches them with a bright smile. "What can I get you two lovebirds tonight?" He asks pulling out his notepad.

"Oh geez I haven't even opened up the menu yet." Wanda realizes, about to reach for it but Spidey stops her with his ungloved hand.

"How about the smoked salmon special for us two?" Spidey tells Mick who writes it down, Wanda looking at Spidey pleased and silently agrees with the order.

"Two dishes coming up!"

"It's almost like you've read my mind just then." Wanda tells him.

"I assure you telepathy ain't one of my gifts but I do know Mick cooks up a mean smoked salmon in this part of Manhattan." He replies honestly.

"You're gonna tell me about yourself?"

"Well only the non spoiler parts." He quips, making her roll her eyes playfully.

"Aw too bad I really wanted to know your social security number." She teases.

"Well I am a New Yorker, I like science, and I once ate fifteen hot dogs in Coney Island."

"My you've got quite an appetite Mister Spider-Man, hope you don't empty your pockets so quickly."

"Not today at least." He replies, as if he wasn't struggling enough when it came to the cash.

"I'm quite surprised you weren't taken aback I was a mother." She tells him, looking at him curiously as to why.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with going out with a beautiful woman who's a mother plus I am good with kids."

"Oh really?"

"Little love and recognition goes a long way for the kids in New York, for any around the world. They look up to you everyday and you do your best to keep them safe and keep them inspired to pursue their goals."

*He's so wise and modest, there's much under the mask than initially thought after all." She thinks to herself, getting lost in his voice as he continues to talk.

"Two smoked salmon platters." The waitress places their food down snapping her back to her surroundings.

"You're gonna love this." Spidey smiles as he lifts his mask up to his nose, licking his lips as he prepared to chow down on his food.

"I think I already am." She sighs lovestruck, sinking her head against her hand and jabbing the fork into her salmon.

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