forty four

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I've come to realise that the further along in my pregnancy I get, the harder it is to sleep because the stronger our little one gets, the stronger the baby's kicks are; and the more exhausted I become, the more energy the baby gains. It's like the baby is physically draining me of energy and taking it for themself so I've been tossing and turning all night. I've not slept a wink. Every time I begin to drift off to sleep, finally getting comfortable, baby kicks and I'm uncomfortable again.

There was a point in the night, around two in the morning, where I had just broken down into a fit of tears and found myself begging my unborn child to stop kicking me. I was on the bathroom floor for a good hour, crying and stressing over not being able to sleep before Harry had stumbled in and found me.

"Honey? Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong? Everything okay?" He had asked and crouched down in front of me, cradling my face in his hands. "What's going on? Talk to me." His tone was filled with worry and fear - he was genuinely terrified. He swiped away every fallen tear as I try to regain my breath. "Is it baby? She okay? She hurting you?" He queried before a sudden realisation hit him. "Fuck. Is she coming? You gotta talk to me okay, Honey? You gotta talk to me so I can help you."

And all I could say in response was "I'm so fucking tired." followed by choked sobs and it was the god's honest truth. I just wanted to sleep - a goodnight's sleep, full eight hours without the aches and pains, the constant tossing and turning and the rude awakenings. I know that the feeling of my baby kicking me is going to be a feeling I will soon miss when the baby has arrived but in that moment, I couldn't begin to see it like that.

Harry didn't ask me any more questions. Instead, he gently picked me up and tucked me back into bed. He still didn't speak as he left the room and there was this moment where I thought he was maybe annoyed at me for being so dramatic or possibly waking him up but minutes later, he comes back into the room with a cup of lemon and honey tea, a hot water bottle and the pregnancy pillow we were gifted from the baby shower.

He had left me cuddled up in bed on my side but I soon moved onto my back, finding that although it wasn't necessarily comfortable, the baby wasn't moving as much and I was counting that as a win. That was until Harry began to gently scold me.

"Lay on your side, Honey." He whispered as he placed the tea and hot water bottle on the nightstand before moving around the bed with the pillow. "I read that it's not good for either you or the baby if you lay on your back. The weight of your uterus puts pressure on uh-" He paused and chuckled to himself as he helped me roll onto my side. "Some vein with a fancy name. It's just not good for either of you."

He tucked the pregnancy pillow onto my side and repositioned me until I was sighing in relief, feeling so much comfier.

"That better?"

I nodded my head. "Thank you."

Harry then proceeded to grab his pillow and position it next to my bump, lying so he was face to face with our little one. He placed his hand over each spot baby kicks and begins to gently speak to the baby. I closed my eyes and tried to relax.

"Mhm. You do have a lot of energy tonight don't you, Babyhoney? Hm. I know, I know but you gotta settle down little miss. Your mumma needs to sleep." He whispered and kissed my bump over and over again. "Hey, don't kick me." He then pouted when he earned a foot to the face. "That was mean. What has gotten you in such a bad mood, hey? Am just trying to love you." He then fell silent for a few moments before he voices his idea. "How about I sing you to sleep? I used to sing your brother and sister to sleep you know? They weren't as active as you but I'm sure it could work."

I soon drifted off to sleep to the sound of Harry gently singing Make you feel my love by Adele and not once did I wake back up. I didn't wake up to use the bathroom. I didn't wake up to the kicks of my baby against my stomach. I didn't wake up feeling uncomfortable. Harry had completely settled our baby and myself in the process.

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