thirty four

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"Hey now, please settle." I quietly whisper as I run my hand over my bump, attempting to soothe the hyperactive baby inside of me. "I'm trying to sleep."

I continue to run my hand over my bump as I try to get comfortable in bed, silently praying that the baby will settle. One thing I've learnt in the past week is that our baby has developed a sleep routine which happens to be to sleep during the day and have all the energy in the world at night meaning I've become very sleep deprived.

Absolutely nothing and absolutely everything has changed in these past three weeks.

I'm noticeably pregnant now so I think it's safe to say that the prenatal vitamins have worked. Unless I'm wearing clothing three times too big for me, I can't hide it - not that I want to anymore. I kind of just 'popped' overnight. One day my clothes still fit me and the next I was shopping with the twins for a new wardrobe. I'm also at that point in my pregnancy where I'm having to be cautious about how quickly I move as I easily lose balance. I'm not used to the extra weight. The baby is now the size of a burrito but I feel a lot bigger than that.

Twenty four weeks feels like a breath of fresh air for me because it means my miracle baby has defied all the odds. Twenty four weeks means that I were to go into labour for whatever reason, my baby is viable. My baby has a good chance of surviving outside of the womb at this stage and that thought puts me at ease.

As for Harry, he's changed - both good and bad.

Bad because he's working a lot more again.

He stills gets up with the twins, gets them ready and takes them to nursery and he still comes home on time, spends time with them and puts them to bed but once they're asleep, he usually locks himself away in his office. There have been many occasions where he's actually taken them to work with him. I think he's getting some separation anxiety from them.

He's stressed and I fear it's for more reasons than the need for my witness statement and his lack of a lawyer. It's been a month now and I'm yet to be contacted again. On many occasions, their lack of communication has left me wondering if I had just imagined the whole conversation and each time I pondered on the thought, I'd have to go back to my call log just to check if the number is still there.

However, he's still changed for the better because he's still aware of his actions. If I'm staying the night - which happens a lot more now (my overnight drawer being testimony to that) I'll sometimes have to try and drag him away from his work. If he shrugs me away or if he snaps, he always apologises and eventually meets me in bed. I don't even bother attempting to go in the spare room, I can't sleep in there. Whether he joins me ten minutes after he's snapped or hours later, he always slips into bed, kisses my cheek, kisses my bump then holds me until I fall asleep.

With this being said though, I don't think these little bumps have put a strain on us - this, whatever this is. I've thought a lot about what Trixie had said to me in the kitchen on the night of Halloween. The confidence in which she said it has been extremely unnerving. She sounded so sure of herself, as if it was so obvious to everyone but me.

I didn't sleep that night as I questioned if maybe I was falling for him. It would give reason for those sparks of electricity I feel at his touch and it would make sense for the butterflies, and for my heart racing, my loss of breath when I'm around him; for the constant need to be near him, feeling him, touching him, for the urge to always want to kiss him...for wanting him.

However, I question if I could really be falling for the same man who shouted at me, called the police on me, kicked me out of his apartment, was rude to me on many occasions and had me lose my job or if this was just me playing make believe again. I want this baby to be part of a family so badly, it would make sense if this is just me trying to build something permanent in something that's possibly so temporary.

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