thirty three

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"I feel fucking stupid." Harry mutters as I hold his chin between my thumb and index finger, a makeup brush in the other.

"You agreed to this, quit whining." I respond with a smile and continue to apply a deep pink blush to his cheeks.

"I only agreed because you encouraged the idea." He bites back before he's pushing my hands off of his face. "That's enough."

"No, your cheeks aren't rosey enough yet." I protest but Harry takes the blush from my hold and dumps it on the bathroom counter.

"It's enough." He mutters and gently nudges me from between his legs to stand up from the closed toilet seat. When he's facing the mirror, taking his new look in, his eyes widen and he shakes his head. "The things I fucking do for my kids."

I laugh as his hands flatten down the blue and white plaid dress that is decorated in strawberries and reaches mid thigh on him. The sleeves are puffy, the collar of the dress is open so his chest is revealed. Red tights cover his legs and he wears boots that look like Dorothy's red heels on his feet; a bow in his hair and makeup on his face - he looks amazing.

Today is Halloween and whilst Harry wasn't keen on the idea of dressing up, I encouraged it; and encouraging it soon lead to me having to be involved which soon had Trixie and Asher being dragged into the mix because after all 'The Wizard of Oz' is a six person show. After watching the movie, Lula and Albie said that was what they wanted to be for halloween. Harry said no, they begged, he continued to say no until he eventually caved when both of them were on the verge of tears. It was the twins who assigned us our characters.

"The sacrifices you make..." I suck in a deep breath and shake my head. "Truly devastating." I sarcastically say as he continues to fiddle with the dress, his red fingernails perfectly painted.

He laughs under his breath before he's running his hands through his hair, looking at me through the mirror.

"You know, I'm surprised you didn't suggest dressing up as Winnie the Pooh characters."

My hand is smacked over my mouth, my eyes wide in both shock and frustration at myself for missing such a perfect opportunity. The thought didn't even cross my mind and now I'm pathetically standing in Harry's bathroom, my heart feeling as though it's actually cracking in two - it's the pregnancy hormones that have me overwhelmed and teary eyed.

"No, that's not even funny. Oh my god." I exclaim, my voice cracking as I hold back my tears. "No, fuck this I'm going to cry, why would you say that? I missed a perfectly good opportunity."

Harry is quickly turning around to face me, a bit of panic in his eyes.

"Shit, you're actually crying." He curses and hesitantly steps up to me, taking my face into his hands. He wipes my tears before they spill. "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay." He gently coos, eyes searching mine with sincerity as he speaks. "You can do it next year with our little girl and-"

"Boy." I quickly interrupt and watch him roll his eyes.

"Whatever." He laughs, his hands moving from my face and down to my bump, over my elegant pink dress. "You can do it next year. She can be a little baby piglet."

I want to smile at what he's just said but all I can do is frown and shake my head, wishing the butterflies in my stomach will start to flutter to replace the nauseous feeling I get.

"We can do it next year."

His eyebrows slowly pinch together. "Huh?"

"You said I can do it next year but we can do it next year...the both of us...together." I quietly respond, the fear of him leaving being something so prominent, I feel it in my gut. My stomach twists and flips at the thought of him having to leave and it being my fault.

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