forty one

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"Were you surprised?" Harry whispers as we lay in bed together, legs intertwined to allow us to be as close to each other as possible. His hand rests on my cheek and there's a small, subtle smile on his lips as he awaits my answer.

The smile that has rarely left my face for the duration of the day reappears and I nod my head. I twirl his hair around my finger.

"I was very surprised, thank you." I respond, gratitude filling my voice.

His thumb softly rubs against my cheek as he gives me a curt nod, silently telling me 'You're welcome'. I think he's fed up with accepting my thanks because just like with Trixie and Asher, I haven't stopped thanking them all day. The baby shower was everything I ever could have wished for not because of how big, brilliant and me it was but because of the company.

Today showed me that no matter how alone I may feel in this journey, I do have a support system. I do have people who love me, who care for me, who want to hold my hand and experience this new adventure with me and I couldn't be more grateful for that. Even if some failed to show, I have my people and that's all I could ever want.

"You've basically got a whole nursery in your bedroom now." I laugh and glance over my shoulder at the pile of presents I've so kindly been gifted.

Everything on my  'Need to get before the baby arrives' list has now been ticked off and I've not bought a single thing. Baby bottles, sterilizers, bibs, cot sheets, a cot, bedding, mobiles, a changing unit, changing mats, diapers, baby clothes ranging from tiny little newborn socks to an endless supply of babygrows - I have everything I need...everything. Although I hate that everyone (mostly Harry) has spent this much on me, I can't deny that it is a weight off my shoulders. It's one less thing to worry about.

Harry lifts himself up, resting his weight on his elbows, and looks over at the pile of gifts. He hums in satisfaction before resting back down on the bed and somehow manages to pull me in closer to him. He hides my face in between his pillow and neck and plays with my hair.

"I'll get to work putting her actual nursery together tomorrow." He softly tells me and it has me stupidly grinning against him. "I'll sort out the room next to ours and we can make it hers."

I pull my face away from him and cock an eyebrow at him.

"I'm assuming you're also going to help me make him a nursery at my apartment?"

Harry's face turns up and he shakes his head.

"Fuck no." He laughs and when I pull back even more, a frown on my face, he playfully rolls his eyes and pulls me back in. "Babe, when was the last time you were at your apartment?"

I stay silent because I can't actually remember. I pop in now and then but I rarely stay the night. A lot of my things have slowly started moving their way into Harry's house; my toothbrush sits beside his, my shower gel is next to his, my favourite foods are on the top shelf in the fridge, my clothes are slowly taking up more space in his closet, my makeup now covers the bathroom counter...I hadn't even realised.

"Exactly." He whispers against my lips before kissing me. "You and I both know that you and baby will be here." He kisses me again. "Besides, I need you both here with me. Think I'll go insane if I can't see you both whenever I want."

"I'd probably go insane too." I quietly and honestly respond.

We fall silent and for a minute, I think Harry is asleep because he doesn't move and his breathing becomes heavier; but then he demands something of me and said demand steals all the air from my lungs.

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