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I have to keep a neutral face, despite Gojo's stupidity, I have to control my emotions. But what the heck is wrong with him? Boyfriend!? They're all looking at me viciously now. Okay, this is my last day, father will cut me into small pieces. Grandpa nearly fell down but father held him tightly making him sit down on the couch with grandma.

"Oh the old man seems to be ill!" Come on Gojo stop it, otherwise I'll let my laugh out. Hold it back please y/n control your face's muscles and don't laugh otherwise we'll get in trouble.

"Y/n you're here!?" Mom rushed to get down the stairs but her long yukata got in the way. I saw her falling but in less then one second I stopped the crash. She hugged me, inhaling my scent and so I did. She was in Aki's room, I could smell his scent mixed on hers making the best collagen ever.

"You always warned me to never run in the house... Look at you now." She kissed my cheek and before I could do the same father ordered me to clear up the mess. He's talking about the boyfriend stuff. I hold mom's hand and get down. I walked slowly to him and looked deep into his dark eyes.

"I'm his girlfriend. Any objections?" Gojo was right. This way they won't kick him out. Such a dangerous game bastard, you got me. Yet, I like it when this man gets angry, I enjoy it. He wants to hit me but with the children's presence it's out of question.

"If you're strong, let's fight." Isamu, challenged Gojo, he'll never stop that bad habit of his. I scolded him to at least introduce himself, so he approached Gojo.

"I'm Isamu, fifteen. Wing Chun Japan junior champion. Let's fight!" I come near them and Kiyoshi hides behind me. I smile at him and pat his head to do the same as Isamu. He shook his head refusing the idea.

"He's a scary eyes-less." You're right! Still, I want him to stop being that shy and scared. I encouraged him and promised him that we'll sing together after. He looked at me with his brown puppy eyes and nodded. Ah I can't, my heart will break up, he's so cute for me.

"I-My name is Kiyoshi, I-I am t-ten years old. I am a-a violinist... I love music a-and y/n." This is my bro!

"I love Kiyo too~" I kissed him then held his small cute hand. Gojo smiled at him but he hid behind me again. He's too scared of the blindfold. It would be better if he takes it off at least for now.

"Shiro-sama, dinner is ready." The person informed will get fired or killed for sure. Father kept staring at me coldly and I saw my death in his black and lifeless eyes so I made sure to show him his own death in my eyes too.

"Perfect I'm hungry let's all eat together! As a happy family." Everyone can see his cheerful but dominant character at once. I introduced everyone to Gojo and they weren't pleased at all... The last one to present was mom. I looked at him to present her.

"Mom, her name is Jennifer. This hungry man is Gojo Satoru, my boyfriend." I don't believe what I'm saying. Mom gave us a warm and beautiful smile the opposite of other people's faces which made me feel proud to have at least a soft hearted mother.

"We are all pleased to meet you Satoru-kun, you are part of our family now. Call me mom." Not that fast mom because it looks like your husband's face isn't pleased, and he'll eat you alive on the holy Christmas night till you give birth to another child. Before father could say anything to mom his mother touched his arm slightly.

"Welcome to the Shiro family, might we keep our conversation in the dining room." What's going on in that witch's mind? Ugly plans like her face. We all went to the dining room. It's Christmas dinner so everything a human being had cooked was there in the big table. They all sit in their places. Maides added another chair for Gojo beside mine.

The Awakening {Gojo & Sukuna x Reader.}Where stories live. Discover now