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December 9th

She woke up after sleeping slightly, feeling ache everywhere. She saw herself in the mirror, a damaged face and bruises all over her body. She changed into a comfy pants and crop top, then went to explore the place, and train at the same time.

She took her phone in case she's lost. Before starting her auto training she sent a quick message to Aki demanding Masaru's number, so he can explain like he promised and decided to call him later.

She went so far and deep in the forest with her incredible speed. She followed a small river that became bigger and deeper the further she moved forward. Until finding a high waterfall.

"So beautiful!" She took off her clothes and hung them on a tree. She jumped like a fool in the lake. She screamed in excitement, forgetting about everything in the world. The cold water made her shiver at first but slowly got used to it.

She began climbing the waterfall, and challenging it. She failed several times, but succeeded after a long time. She hardly came back to the peak and put on her clothes, not feeling her hands or legs anymore then decided to come back to her small home and call her cousin.

_ It's me.

_ Y/n stalks me to get my number~ let's meet in a hotel and-

_ Explain like you promised.

_ Umm, I'll explain but in a hotel.

_ Hotel obsession. Not my problem. So, tell me everything you know.

_ I wanted to calm you down back there. I won't tell you~

_ Liar. Or coward is better.

_ Know that you have to shut your juicy mouth and never talk about our clan to anyone. I don't want to cut that hot tongue of yours with my teeth. Understood~?

_ 'Anyone' you mean Gojo. Well, he already knows a lot of things. The more suspicious is their reaction after hearing his name.

_Well you don't know a lot of things too hopefully, otherwise... I liked Gojo's hickey by the way, I'll make sure to give you better, in other places~

_ He already did~ Now will you say a useful thing? Like what's the matter with my back and Gojo?

_ Your hot stripes didn't fully reach your sexy back cuz you controlled it before it completely chained you. Our clan hates the Gojo clan. Other questions?

_ What exactly is our family, Ma-chan? I don't get it anymore.

_ Sometimes I envy your ignorance n/n, but if you want information so badly... Let me fuck you, then I'll tell you anything you want. If you stay alive after of course.

_ Fuck.your.self.

N/n: nickname

The call was done. She was blaming herself for calling him at night because he becomes hypersexual at this time of the day as a starving vampire who would empty her body from blood.

She was thinking about Gojo who didn't show up today, knowing very well how busy he is, she wouldn't even bother him with a message. The day ended peacefully and she slept on the sofa while watching a scary movie that wasn't scary but disgusting.


"Aohayoo y/n!" She slowly sat up and looked at the man. He was hiding his body and face behind a big lion doll.

"Gojo! Cute~ big doll!?" He let it go and the doll jumped to punch hard on y/n's face.

"As you can see it'll attack you like that especially when you're not ready. So, you've to anticipate its moves and timing!" He explained after the mess. The doll kept punching her but she managed to stop its hands.

The Awakening {Gojo & Sukuna x Reader.}Where stories live. Discover now