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After knocking several times, he entered the room finding her completely covered with a big white blanket. He also knocked on what was supposed to be her head but she didn't move like a dead corpse.

"Wake up now, will you!?" Gojo snapped like an annoyed child wanting to play in the morning.

"Huum... One more second mommy~" She mumbled with a throaty morning voice and wrapped herself into the large and warm cover thinking that she was at home like usual.

Suddenly the duvet was removed. She stayed still, but felt too cold knowing that her bad sleep habit is removing all her clothes unconsciously. Her mind is still thinking that she's at home, waiting for her mother to scold her about stripping at night.

"Nice ass!" She received a compliment and for sure it wasn't her mother's voice. Finally her mind started working and her body reacted.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" She covered herself with the pillow, her back glued to the headboard as he threw the sheet away. She scanned the floor trying to find her clothes.

"Morning y/n-chan!" A big smile brighter than the lamp's shine over his face which was the complete opposite of her expressions. She finally found the shirt near the bed and wore it quickly.

"Get lost." She focused on finding the shorts nearby as he approached her but she avoided looking at him.

"Searching for this?" He stood smirking near the bed and offered it to the angry girl. She looked up and harshly pulled the shorts from his hand.

"What are you waiting for?" She asked coldly not wanting to look at him anymore.

"Entertainment." He quickly answered, laying his arm on the bed's headboard. A deep breath quit her nose as she planned on how to kill him later.

He was waiting, not moving an inch. She wore her shorts the fastest possible so he wouldn't be able to take a single glance thanks to the pillow over her upper body.

"So, did you enjoy the view?" She glanced at him then walked to the door leaving him behind.

"For the first time, I hate my clothes." He muttered but she heard him yet chose to completely ignore it.

"I'm gonna go shopping today." She said while opening the fridge to drink some fresh water.

"Nah, you're not allowed to get out, for now at least. You have to stay here and train to decrease your crazy energy that even normal humans can feel. You already have some fighting skills right?" He remembered how she fought last night.

"Father forced me to train with him in different fighting styles since my youth." She lied, it was torturing rather, and not only her father but grandpa, uncle and cousins as well. She had been more taught to receive kicks, and got a resistant body like a boxing bag. Which automatically developed a great body stamina to be beaten without losing consciousness, and kept standing up like a robot.

Still, lately after being cursed as Gojo claimed, she strangely felt stronger but weaker at the same time.

"It reminds me, the Shiro-clan are searching for you." Her eyebrows furrowed suspiciously.

"Are you stalking them? Cuz they'll never report if I'm missing." Not because the Shiro clan don't care about their own daughter, but they prefer solving their own problems. It was a shame to reveal that the future clan's head ran away after messing at school. Still, she didn't care if he really stalked them, but was full of curiosity.

The Awakening {Gojo & Sukuna x Reader.}Where stories live. Discover now