UCW High Impact #82: Angelica vs Darkness

Start from the beginning

*The segment ends with the crowd booing Lucy as she exits the ring as she shouts "we are unstoppable!" and enters backstage*

3- We see backstage Darkness with an interviewer on standby and Darkness saying the next:

Darkness: Well, tonight i face Angelica and honestly while normally i would be excited to be on a match due to how i am, this is just sad because like what can she do to me?.
Not that much, she might put up some resistance here and there but considering my endurance and size difference there's not that much even with her tricks that she can do.
Simply put, i'm walking in that match, winning with maaaaybe some difficulty and then walking out.

4- Right after Darkness says this, Angelica comes to where she is and grab the mic from the interviewer and says the next:

Angelica: How dare you underestimate me?.

Darkness: I would moreso say that i'm just estimating you perfectly.

Angelica: Shut up!. I WILL defeat you tonight!.

Darkness: May i remind you that amongat my few defeats one was against former Women's Champion Sonya back when she was the champ and she needed A BURNING HAMMER to end the match in a TKO?
You're not gonna be able to freaking lift me!

Angelica: ...No, but i just need to break you.

Darkness: Stop right there you egomaniac. HOW ARE YOU GONNA BREAK ME?. You're not strong enough to do that!

Angelica: I don't care about that, i know i'll find a way out!.

Darkness: Stuff always backfires for you so why should this be any different?

Angelica: You're gonna see Darkness, i will end tonight on top you hear me?

*The segment ends with Darkness just staring down at Angelica's retreatinh form*

5- Non-Title match: Zarya vs Chloe Price: This is quite the even match with Chloe at first having issues with Zarya off of winning that oneupwomanship competition with Yang at the most recent PPV and thus she came in a bit too confident into this match which helped Zarya be able to use her strength to catch Chloe off price and gain a 65/35 lead.
This may seem short a lead for someone like Zarya till you take into account that Chloe wasn't lying and she was smarter than Zarya and thus once this kicked in not only did the lead not grow bigger but also it allowed Chloe to force a back and forth match.
And here's when it came Zarya's strength to show that even if Chloe had an advantage on intellect, Zarya wasn't a wrecking machine or a shield in battle for nothing as she managed to endure punishment to then strike down in the place Chloe and essentially prevent her advantage from turning the match upside down.
This essentially served to show how both Chloe is still a big problem to deal on singles matches considering she was holding her own against Zarya who had quite the impressive record AND show that even if you have a lead over Zarya, you can never count her out or else you're gonna pay.
In the end, Zarya went for a Particle Knee...only for Chloe to trip her and then follow with 2 Price of Victories and then cover Zarya to get the clean victory.

6- Angelica vs Darkness with 3 Idiots (Aqua and Megumin):
This match essentially feeded off what was said earlier by Angelica, trying to break what is unbreakable and it did not go well at all for Angelica AT ALL.
Hell this ended up hindering her since while she did avoid a squash situation, the whole trying to break Darkness thing while opening chances it was due to Darkness being herself rather than actual shoulder pain (that's the part she focused in) and when this passed for enough time Darkness just chucked her away due to the height difference.
This meant essentially Darkness had an 85/15 gap over Angelica and to cap it off with Aqua and Megumin at ringside she couldn't cheat or anything else to win AND her ego made her not get out of this cycle almost never hence the gap staying at what we've just mentioned it was since Angelica was focused on breaking Darkness rather than winning the match.
Essentially this all served to show that Angelica's main issue is Angelica herself since she can get crafty and tricky but once she sets up on something she ain't gonna stop till she gets it while also showing that the burning hammer to take her down thing was no fluke and as weird as she may be, Darkness is durable.
In the end, something quite curious happened, Darkness was about to hit her Running Shoulder Tackle on Angelica to end the match...and then Arcadia Business (all 3 of them) came down to ringside and surrounded Aqua and Megumin and while this was going on, Darkness turned around as if to go and help and then Angelica hit a sudden Child's Play (Tornado DDT) before going for a steel chair and then hitting a second one on Darkness onto it before disposing of the chair (btw the ref was busy trying to keep the situation defused) and covering Darkness to get the victory.
After the match, we see how the beatdown officially begins as 3 on 2 Arcadia Business beat down Aqua and Megumin whilst Angelica is whacking Darkness over and over with the steel chair on the left shoulder that she focused on during the match before being pulled away by security.

The show ends with Arcadia Business looking down on the taken out Aqua and Megumin as Angelica, who is kept in place by security, says "I am not going to stop until you break, you hear me?. I will not!" and the crowd boos Angelica and Arcadia Business.

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