Chapter 73: Puking pastries

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Y/n Pov:

"So you want me to help you go into a different dimension?" Draco asked. I was trying to explain my situation to him and I admit, it was not easy. Nevertheless, it had to be done.

"Yes. This one will cease to exist then. It is a warped world to me" I replied. "So i'd be doing this for you?" he asked. "And for you too" I replied. "How for me?" he asked. "You'll be in a world where your father is still alive and your mother is much better" I replied. He quietened down at the mention of his dad.

"He left me and my mother in ruins" he said sighing. "But I still miss him. It's absolutely pathetic" he added. "It isn't. I have to warn you, the other world isn't pretty. Your dad's alive but he works for a very dark wizard. Your mum's worried but she's happy when she sees your alright. It's a bad world, but there's hope for it" I replied.

"So when shall we start?" he asked. "When I curate a plan with professor Snape" I replied. "Call me when you need me" he stated before walking away. 

Draco Pov:

I couldn't sleep a wink. Would I actually see mum smile again? Potter could be lying to me like her brother. But she seems different. Darker and smarter, I suppose. 

How on earth did she manage to get Snape to work with her? Even after totally humiliating him yesterday he seems to want to help her. 

And the way she looks at me, as if she's confused and doesn't know how to converse with me. Had I done something wrong?

Y/n told me to get in trouble with Snape in class today, so that I'd have detention with her and we'd be able to plan without raising an eyebrow in suspicion. Smart, I must say.

"So I'm going to be your alibi?" I asked at detention. "Yes. The plan is simple. I have a recipe for puking pastilles, made by the Weasley twins in the other world. I'll eat a few of them and by morning I'll be vomiting my heart out. Professor Snape will 'casually' suggest that I take a day off with my parents and do something I like. I'll ask to see Tom Marvolo Riddle as I seem to absolutely love his books. I'll then figure out the timeline" Y/n replied.

"After that?" I asked. "We'll do a memory sweep through my head and then use this time turner to go change the past, in my world. This world will cease to exist and we'll all be merry" she replied. 

"What if your parents ask you questions about your life?" I asked. "Aren't you full of questions. I've read about myself in my loathsome diary" She replied. 

"What's in it for you professor?"I asked. "A different life. A life where I do make mistakes but help someone I once loved" he replied. 

"I shall head to my meeting" he added. "Aren't you going to make the puking pastries?" I asked."Puking pastilles. And no, I shall make it" Y/n replied. 

"I'll help" I offered. "Why not" she replied. 

Y/n Pov:

I watched Draco as he stirred the brew. I knew that he wasn't the same Draco but I couldn't get rid of my grudge.

"So how was your life back in your world?" he asked. "I had a wizard hunting me and my brother. My parents are dead, but I still have my godfathers. I got my heart broken, very badly might I add" I replied.

"So why do you want to go back?" he asked. "I've lost all my friends, my family and I'm pre-engaged to the distorted version of Neville Longbottom" I  replied.

"So you're in love with someone else?" he asked. "I was. Probably still am. As I mentioned we're no longer together" I replied.

"Why?" he asked. "What's with all the questions?" I asked as we waited for the cauldron to bubble. "Curiosity. I'm not going to exist in a few days and I think I'd like to disappear with all my questions answered." he replied

"You're not not going to exist. You'll just be part of another conscious." I replied. "Even then" he stated.

"Fine. He said that I didn't love him and that I didn't trust him" I replied. "And did you? Trust him?" he asked. "I did keep a lot of things, to protect him. The dark wizard after me has tried to hurt him before. I don't want it to happen ever again" I replied. "He sounds like a total arse" he stated.

I chuckled in response. "Oh, and I'm a  Slytherin in the other world" I stated. "It doesn't surprise me. You've got the smarts and the cunning" he replied.

We eventually finished making the puking pastilles. I stuffed all of them into a handkerchief. 

See you tomorrow mum and dad.

THE SECRET CHOSEN ONE Draco x Y/n Potter Black (Slytherin) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now