Chapter 6: Black house

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Y/n Pov:

Tonks, Harry and I raced past a few buses, and ships in the waterway.

We stopped in a few bushes, right in front of a block of houses. "Come on" Moody said motioning us to cross the road.

He tapped his staff three times on the road, and houses started to shift, revealing the Black house. Harry watched in astonishment.

"In you go Potters" Moody said.

Harry and I walked into the creepy hallway, still filled with cobwebs. I heard a meeting going on inside. "Where are we?" Harry asked. "Black house" I replied. "Why wasn't I told about it?" he asked. "I couldn't tell you, neither of us could, I wasn't even supposed to send a letter to you" I replied.

"Why?" "Dumbledore's order" I replied. Tonks walked past us and into the meeting.

Harry and I spotted dad, who smiled at us. "Mrs Weasley" Harry said as she came out of the room. "Heavens you're both alright" she said hugging us.

"Bit peaky, but dinner will have to wait until the meeting's finished" she said turning to Harry. "But, but-" "No time to explain" she replied.

"And thank merlin you're alright dearie" she added turning to me. She walked away, back into the room.

"Come on, let's go upstairs" I said. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked. He seemed slightly distraught because of me not telling him. "I wished to, but Dumbledore has his reasons" I replied sighing.

"Upstairs?" I asked again. He nodded.

We walked into the room I was staying before, only to be attacked by who I presume was Mione.

"Harry, Y/n!" she exclaimed. Harry was completely taken aback. "You both alright?" she asked. "We heard them talking about the Dementor attack, you must tell us everything" she added.

"Let them breathe Hermione" Ron said. "And this hearing at the ministry, it's outrageous, I've looked it up, they simply can't expel you two, no way they can" Mione said ignoring Ron's comment.

"It's completely unfair" she added.

"Yea, there's been a lot of that going around at the moment" Harry replied. "So what's this place for?" He asked. "It's the headquarters" Ron replied. "For the order of the phoenix" Mione added.

"Dumbledore formed when back when they first fought you know who" she added."Couldn't put all this in a letter I suppose, I've gone all summer without a scrap of news, only Y/n talked to me" Harry replied.

"And I know that Dumbledore didn't allow you to, but why would he want to keep me in the dark?" he asked.

"I could have helped. After all, I am one of the two who saw Voldemort return, I am the one he challenged, but I guess since Y/n is the chosen one, he doesn't want me, he could tell her but not me, I saw Cedric Diggory die in front of me, but I guess Y/n saw it too."

"Everything Y/n does too! She's supposed to defeat Voldemort! Everything in my life changed after she came back! I wish I never met her!"Harry yelled.

THE SECRET CHOSEN ONE Draco x Y/n Potter Black (Slytherin) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now