Chapter 7:Crookshanks and the ear

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Y/n Pov:

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean" "I didn't want to say a thing just now and let it all play out, I guess I was right, because now I know how you truly feel about me" I replied a tear sliding down my cheek.

"Y/n I don't mean any of it, I-" "I don't really care Harry, but guess what, I never wanted it, I never wanted to come back to this life. I should have stayed with Tom then, and I made a mistake of coming back. But at least I still have a chance to correct my mistake" I interrupted, before leaving the room.

"Y/n wait!"Mione and Ron yelled as I walked away. "Y/n please" I heard Harry say.

I ignored them and walked on. "Y/n!" The twins exclaimed apparating behind me, causing me to stumble. "Please don't go" "We need you" they said holding my hand.

"Fine, I'm not going anywhere now" I replied sighing.

"Great, come with us" they said leading me up the stairs.Ginny spotted me and ran up to me. "Y/n!" she exclaimed hugging me. "Gin, great to see you" I replied smiling. The four of us walked up the stairs.

Harry, Mione and Ron stood there. "Y/n I'm so sorry-" "Harry, I don't care, I don't want to fight in front of my dad, so let's just not talk alright?" I interrupted.

"I never meant to-" "Shut it"

"Since you both are done bickering, would you like to see something cool?" the twins asked, holding out a rubber ear. "Is that the one we made-" "Before you left? Yes" the twins replied.

They lowered it down the stairs, enabling us to hear what was going inside. But not before long, Crookshanks discovered it. He started to paw at it, trying to play.

"Crookshanks no, stop it" Mione whisper-yelled. But to no avail, Crookshanks kept playing with the ear. "Crookshanks!" I whisper yelled.

The seven of us started to slowly move into a state of chaos, urging Crookshanks to get away from the ear.

However, Crookshanks got a hold of the ear and ran away with it. "Bad Crookshanks" Mione said exasperated. The twins and I giggled at her frustration.

Looks like Crookshanks and the ear were about to become best buddies.

We walked downstairs. I was still ignoring Harry. I guess if that's how he truly felt about me, then it was better for him to act as if I didn't know him. It hurt, him not wanting me in his life, but what could I do? He said everything from the bottom of his heart, but at least I had a plan to make it all go away.

Mione and Ron also decided to ignore him, after what he said. Their wish, their command, I wasn't going to ask them to talk to Harry.

"Well, we'll be eating down in the kitchen" Mrs Weasley said at the bottom of the stairs. The twins apparated beside Mrs Weasley, giving her another mini heart attack.

"Oh! Just because you're allowed to use magic now does not mean you can whip them out for everything!" she yelled at the two, as they ran into the room."You hungry Harry, Y/n?" Mrs Weasley asked turning to us. "You both alright? Gave us quite a turn" Mr Weasley said.

"Y/n and Harry Potter" Dad said walking up to us. "Sirius!" "Dad!" Harry and I exclaimed.

He put his arms out and Harry and I were engulfed by his hug. "Uncle Remy!" I exclaimed turning to him. "Oh thank god you're safe princess" he said pulling me into a hug.

"So am I" Dad added. "I'm glad you allowed me to go" I replied. "I knew you could handle anything" Uncle Remus said smiling. "Are you sure? I remember you both telling me that it was too unsafe" I replied smirking.

"Ah that we did" Dad said. I heard Mr and Mrs Weasley chuckle softly.

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