Chapter 39: Not at 12th Grimmauld place

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3rd person Pov:

Her face had become pale. She had a splitting headache and heaps of blood in her hand. She had to keep her eyes open, she just had to get back. She tried with every bit of will power in her body to keep going, but her eyes began to drop, her head started to pound and every single living cell in her body was screaming for peace.

The voices in her head grew louder, and eventually she closed her eyes and fell off the broom, plunging into a forest. Her skull landed on a rock, cracking open, and she finally slept, her pulse almost non existent and her breathing rate going down to zero. If only Y/n would have known this would happen to her.

Y/n Pov:

I opened my eyes, only to see a woman with ginger locks  staring down at me, helping sit up as I came to be. "You're going to be okay" she whispered, her voice was almost angelic and instantly calming. The events that led me here slowly came back to me, falling off the broom and the intense pain I felt. I felt cold, horribly cold.

"It always takes a little while before you get accustomed princess" I heard a man say from beside me. I looked down to where Nagini bit me, only to find no wound whatsoever. "Am I on some kind of medicine in the infirmary?" I asked as my vision started to clear. The woman with orange locks placed her warm hand on my face.  

"Sweetheart, you're in the afterlife" she said. "So I'm dead?" I asked. "Why don't you try closing your eyes and opening it, it'll help your vision" the man said. I did as told. "Mum, dad?" I said as I opened my vision cleared, allowing me to see who the people were before me.

"Hello sweetheart" they said pulling me into a hug.  "This is surreal" I said as they pulled away. "So just to clarify, I'm dead?" I asked. "Almost dead" Mum replied. "I can't leave my family or friends like that" I said. "You can't do anything Princess" dad said as he helped me up.

"So what's life here like?" I asked. "Peaceful" dad replied. "And it's great to see you both grow up to such wonderfully brave people" mum said. "And we're so sorry for leaving you both like that, it makes us feel like we are the reason every thing bad happened" dad said. "Looks like the self blame came from you both" I said causing them to chuckle. "It isn't your fault, I promise" I added.

"There's someone to see you" Mum said looking behind me. I turned around to see "Cedric!" I exclaimed.

Hermione Pov:

Tick tock, tick tock. The clock in the dining room sounded. It was 11: 58 pm Jan 1st  now, Y/n wasn't back. Remus was panicking, Harry restless, Sirius pacing about, watching the clock.

The clock chimed 12 and that was the breaking point. Chaos filled the room, Remus ran to get a broom. "Remus wait, we have no idea where to go without a map!" Sirius yelled.

They got out the address Y/n left us and Sirius tried to find it on the map. "There is no 21 Pagont Mitauld Marcel" Sirius said sitting down. "What do you mean there is no 21 Pagont Mitauld Marcel?" Remus asked. "She left us a fake address" Harry said. "Oh lord" Mrs Weasley said.

"Why would she do that?" I asked. "We have to go find where Pansy lives, maybe a wrong address" Mrs Weasley said. "Who knows where she lives?" Sirius asked. No one knew. "Draco might know" I said sighing. "We are not going there" Harry stated.

"What's the alternative?" I asked. He sighed in response.

"Arthur and Harry go to the Malfoy's place" Remus said. "Molly, Tonks and Remus search Y/n's room, Hermione, Fred, George, Ginny and Ron stay here" Sirius said. "What will you do?" Remus asked. "I have to go somewhere and find something" he replied.

We sat in silence trying to find something. "Y/n often leaves clues as to where she's going, like something she said" Ron said.

"Give me the piece of parchment" Ron said to me. I handed him the parchment with the address on it. "Can someone get me a pencil and another piece of parchment" Ron said. Fred and George apparated out. Fred came back with a pencil and George with a piece of parchment.

"Y/n likes anagrams" Ron said scribbling down something on the parchment. "Bloody hell!" he yelled. "What?" I asked. "21 Pagont Mitauld Marcel is an anagram for 'not at 12th Grimmauld place'"He replied. "So the address is fake" Ginny said sighing.

"I know it's a long stretch, but Harry told us in the second year Voldemort's name was from an anagram, and we found out she wrote it. What if she is trying to imply that's she's with him?" Ron said.

"That could be true" I said. "Good job" Fred and George chorused giving Ron a thump on the back. "We think we found something" Fred and George said apparating to Y/n's room. "But she would have known we would search for her if it's late" Ginny said. "She meant to come back yesterday!" Ginny and I exclaimed.

Remus, Tonks and Mrs Weasley came downstairs as Harry, Mr Weasley and Draco walked in.

"Y'n isn't at the Parkinson house" Draco said. "I'm just here to help find her" he added.

We showed all of them what we had found, well more of what Ron had found. "What's that?" Draco asked looking into the hallway. "It's a big black dog" he added. "Sirius" Remus said walking into the hallway. "I've got it" Sirius said as he transformed back, holding up a ring.

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