Chapter 13: Hearing

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Y/n Pov:

"So you're having two hearings?" Harry asked as we got ready for our hearing. Mr Weasley had got news of my second hearing, and now everyone knew. "Yea" I replied. "The ministry's bloody mad" Ron said.

"They know you've done nothing but good, so it can't be bad" Mione added. "Right now, the ministry is against me Mione, they'll probably lock me up in Azkaban for all we know" I replied sighing.

"Don't say that princess, I'm sure you did nothing wrong" Uncle Remus said. "I second that" dad added.

"Well we must be going. Harry, Y/n we should leave" Mr Weasley said walking in. "Good luck to us" I said turning to Harry. "I don't think we should be worried, Dumbledore will be there" Harry replied. "Harry, Y/n, here you go dearies" Mrs Weasley said giving us each a scarf.

"It's a good luck scarf, just in case of anything" she added. "Thank you Mrs Weasley" I replied.

We caught the bus into central London and stopped next to a phone booth. "We are taking the visitor's entrance" Mr Weasley said opening the door of the booth. "Well hidden" I commented walking in.

Mr Weasley punched in a few numbers and spoke into the phone, which caused the booth to lower into the ground. I had been to the ministry before, with Uncle Remus for some paperwork, but we had used the regular entrance.

Harry and I walked into the ministry headquarters. Not much had changed from the last time I was here. The statue of Minister Cornelius Fudge stood as tall and sturdy as ever.

We got into the enchanted elevator. I looked at the letter in my hand, the letter of my second hearing. "Harry, Y/n, it seems your hearing has been moved to eight O'clock" Mr Weasley said turning to us.

"And Y/n you're second one has been moved to 10 am" he added. "Why?" I asked. "The ministry has their own reasons" Mr Weasley replied.

"This is you" Mr Weasley said as we got off the elevator. "Aren't you coming?" Harry asked. "I'm afraid not, I am not allowed to sit in a hearing, I also have some work to do" Mr Weasley replied. "Good luck" he added.

"Disciplinary hearing of the 12th of August into offenses committed by Harry James Potter, resident at number 4 privet drive, little whinging surrey and Y/n Black, resident of Ripley, Harrogate, Yorkshire" The minister stated.

"Interrogators Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister- " "Witness for the defense, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore" Professor Dumbledore interrupted walking in. Harry and I smiled, knowing that we would get out of this.

"You, you got our message that the time and place of the hearing have been changed did you?" The minister asked. "I must have missed it, but by a happy mistake I arrived at the ministry three hours early" Professor Dumbledore replied.

The jury seemed to have not expected Professor Dumbledore to show up. Must be why the timing of the hearing was changed.

"Charges?" Professor Dumbledore asked. "The charges against the accused are as follows, that they did knowingly and in full awareness of the illegality of his actions produce patronus charms in the presence of a muggle" The minister replied.

"Do you deny producing said patronus?" he asked. "No" Harry and I chorused. "Bu-" "Were you aware that you were forbidden to use magic outside school while under the age of 17?"

"Yes-" "Witches and wizards of ou-" "We only did it because of the dementors!" Harry yelled. "They attacked one of your precious muggles, and Harry himself, doesn't anyone keep a tab on them?!" I asked.

The jury started to murmur amongst themselves. "Dementors? In little whinging? Amelia Bones asked. I had met her a few years ago. "That's quite clever, muggles can't see dementors can they child? Highly convenient" The minister said.

"We're not lying, there were two of them and if we hadn't-" "Enough. I'm sorry to interrupt what I'm sure would have been a very well rehearsed story-" "The Patronus charm is a light spell, a defensive spell if I've ever seen one" I interrupted.

"But still a use of magic miss Black. Since you can't produce any witness of the event-" "Pardon me Minister, but as it happens, we can" Professor Dumbledore interrupted.

THE SECRET CHOSEN ONE Draco x Y/n Potter Black (Slytherin) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now