Chapter 23: Back stabbed

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Y/n Pov:

"P, will you tell me now why you and Blaise aren't talking?" I asked. "It's sort of saddening" she replied. "P, I just want to know, I want to make it better for you" I said. She sighed. "Blaise has, feelings for someone else, not only me, he used me to get to her" she replied. "Oh my lord. Blaise is dead" I stated getting up.

"Wait, it's not his fault, I'm just not enough" she replied. "P, you are the definition of more than enough. You are bloody mad to think that" I said. "And give me a minute, Blaise Zabini is dead" I added before leaving.

"Y/n wait!" she yelled. I ignored her and walked into the Slytherin common room, where he was with Draco. I slapped the back of his head. "How dare you lead on one of my best friends like that?!" I exclaimed pointing my wand at him.

"Woah love what's going on?" Draco asked. "This imbecile lead Pansy on thinking he liked her and eventually dumped her saying he loved another, using her to get to the one he claims to love" I replied.

"Zabini never said anything like that to me" Draco said. "Who is this girl?" he asked turning to Blaise. "I'd rather not say" Blaise replied. "He's a coward. I'm going to finish him" I said.

"Wait wait!" Blaise yelled. "I like Pansy, a lot. I'm scared of not being able to be with her when I'm in love with someone else!" he yelled. "And who, pray, is this mystery person?" I asked. "You okay? I'm in love with you. Since third year, since I met you!" he exclaimed. I was not expecting that.

"What?!" Draco exclaimed. "I like Pansy, I truly do. I'm just trying to wrap my head around the fact that Y/n won't ever be with me" Blaise said sighing. "Damn right you are. Y/n will never be with you" Draco replied. 

"Calm down Dray" I said. "Blaise and I need to talk" I added. "You're not going to leave me right?" Draco asked. "What do you think" I replied.

I walked away with Blaise outside the common room. "Y/n, I know what your going to say, but at least hear me out" Blaise said. "About what?" I asked. "I know that I was wrong to Pansy. I liked you when I met you, and still do. But that's not why I'm not with Pansy" Blaise replied. "Then what is the reason?" I asked.

"Draco and Pansy, they were together before you came. Pansy was always following him around, so Draco and her got together" he replied. "She never told me that. But whats the matter if it was before I came?" I asked. "They both rekindled their relationship in the summer. Pansy went back to him, begging him to be taken back. Draco agreed and they were together for almost the whole summer" he replied.

"No one knew about it then. It was a secret relationship, but I found out when they were at Diagon alley, Pansy begged Draco to stay with her, and Draco obliged" he added. "Why would he do that. How could they do that to me? My best friend and the boy I love. Just, wow" I said.

"Nice of you two to tell me about your secret relationship" I said walking into the common room. They looked at me as if they saw a ghost. "How oblivious could I be, to think that the Draco Malfoy would actually stay loyal to me. And I can't forget the wonderful Pansy Parkinson that I thought was actually good" I added laughing.

"Y/n I don't know what to say. I'm sorr-."  "Save it Malfoy, I've had enough of your apologies. I especially don't need one from liars and back stabbers" I interrupted.

"If it wasn't for the fact that I loved you once Malfoy and that we were best friends once Parkinson, I would have cursed you both, even if Umbridge put me in Azkaban again!" I yelled throwing the part of the ring Draco got me at his face.

I stormed out of the room, hot tears running down my face. I heard them yell for me but I ignored them, and I ran to the place that comforts me, the second floor girls lavatory.

THE SECRET CHOSEN ONE Draco x Y/n Potter Black (Slytherin) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now