"I can get valuable information out of him if I keep playing along oblivious.
Information on the queen...

He'll also take me straight to the castle at some point."

"You know how he is, he won't risk his life to protect anyone.
If you threaten his life now,you can still get all the information you need by forcing him to play as a double agent.

Threaten him now or I will."


"I see...
You are aware that Im a criminal here and by finding me you're now in danger, right?"

"Erm.. yeah...? Uh..."

"You're also aware that I have the sword of All for one."
Izuku flashed the sword that was slinked on his waist.

Dabi's eyes widened as the red stone radiated vividly, signifying it was directly bonded with him.

"I thought that sword couldn't exit the kingdom unless..."

"Mm unless what?"
Izuku poked.

"...unless it bonded with a stronger user...

You said you inherited telekinesis...- that's not strong enough...
It's not stronger than AFO..."
Dabi said loose lipped.

And on top of the sword, you're also aware that I have Tomura's diary.
With everything he's done logged on.

Information about you."

Dabi began to nervously sweat as he looked around, while there weren't any  beasts to be seen he was still choked in fear because of the human beast before him.

Dabi slowly began to back up, "I...
I don't know what you read about me...

But whatever's in there is probably wrong..."
It looked like at many moment he'd take off, which izuku simply couldn't have.

So he released his presence just enough to make Dabi fall to the ground unable to move.

"I already know you betrayed the empire and came here of your own accord."
Izuku's eyes glimmered red as his alter ego grew excited and took over to speak.

"Wait wait wait... Let's talk this out..!"
Dabi grew a bit frantic as he eyed the sword Izuku had his hand rested on.

"We already did.
Toya. Or should I call you Dabi?"

"You knew all along...?! Then why did you play along for the first couple minutes?!"

"Wow you're stupid.
Look Toya I'll spare your life under 1 condition."

"And what is that condition..."

"Work for me."



Inko mourned over the death of her son.

Her disappointment was beyond measurable.

"There's just no way he's dead..."
She hiccuped.

"...I wish that were the case"
All might said resentful.

"No...it is the case... I know he isn't dead...

It just isn't possible..."

"But the line detector told us..."

I just know it.
He isn't dead.

Katsuki can't be the crown prince...
Izuku is alive, I know he is."

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