Connor placed his hands on my waist and stepped in closer towards me and stood still looking into my eyes to act upon my reaction.

"That's ... why you wanted me to" I asked Connor as I took what felt like my first breath since Connor stood in front of me.

"I just wanted to give you more of a reason to believe," Connor told me.

"Well I do now," I said to Connor.

"Good," Connor said as gently stroked my cheek with his thumb.

"You're doing it again," I said to Connor as I felt motion-less by his touch.

"Doing what?" Connor asked as he continued to stroke my face.

"Doing this Connor," I said to him.

"You can't touch me like this without telling me why you act so attached to me," I said trying to make Connor understand.

"Ever since I've met you, you've made me feel like you want something from me," I said to Connor.

I waited as Connor just stared at me and looked down trying to think of what to say next. I didn't know if he understood what I meant, I wasn't even sure if I knew what I meant.

"Besides hurting the people who are trying to hurt me, is there anything else you want from me?" I asked Connor as he looked back up at me.

"I need to be with you," Connor said to me as he starred me in my eyes.

"You need to ---," I was saying to Connor before he flew over to the kitchen sink as my mother called my name as she walked downstairs.

"Danielle, what are you doing up so early on a Saturday? You usually sleep in," my mom said as she came into the kitchen and sat at the counter.

"You too Connor, is something going on with you kids this morning?" my mom asked as she looked at me and Connor.

"Just couldn't really sleep mom," I said as I looked at Connor and moved from in front of the refrigerator.

Connor glanced at me a couple of times before he realized that I was starring at him. He placed a hand on my mothers shoulders and told her he needed her to go upstairs and watch TV all day.

"So you can touch people and make them do things for you?" I said to Connor as my mother reached the top of the stairs.

"Not all of the time but when it's necessary yes," Connor said washing some dishes in the sink.

"You said that ... you needed me," I reminded Connor.

"You say that you traveled through time for me," I added.

"Am I missing something?" I asked Connor as I walked over to him.

"I don't think so," Connor said to me.

"I believe you're leaving something out," I said to Connor feeling as though I've connected the dots to his arrival.

"Like what?" Connor said turning off the water from the sink.

"Like this," I said to Connor placing my finger on top of his hand.

I looked at his hand as it took on a red tint. I felt a tingle surrounding my heart and knew that this was weird. This wasn't butterflies, it was a warm tingle that I couldn't explain.

"I felt that when my back was against the fridge. What is that Connor?" I asked him.

"I don't know Danielle. What does it feel like?" Connor asked me.

"I feel really warm," I said to Connor.

"As warm as you were against the refrigerator?" Connor asked me.

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