CHAPTER 12 - private balcony

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a/n - please vote if you enjoy! comment your thoughts :)

y/n's pov
olivia laughs to herself, holding an ice-cream cone with ice-cream in her hand. "what's so funny?" i ask, licking the ice-cream in my hand. "it's just funny how madelyn insisted on sleeping in my room just so we could sleep together," olivia bites on the cone. "what can i say? they're very... invested." i assume, leaning back on the buffet chairs, tipping it on the back 2 legs. "i'm gonna laugh if you fall and your ice-cream smashes into your face." olivia says, leaning her elbows on the table. "i'm sure you would," i agree, leaning back forward in case i actually do fall back.

we start to walk back to the rooms, entering the elevator. "so do you have any acting tips?" olivia asks, pressing our floor. "uh...." i think of any tips that were useful. "be on time." "seriously?" she says, smile on her face as her eyebrows go slightly up. "that all you got?" i smile, shaking my head. i tell her useful tips, olivia listening carefully. "that's about all i can think of." i finish, both of us walking out of the elevator. "should've wrote it in my notes when you were talking!" liv exclaims, smiling. "don't worry, if you need any other tips while you're acting just let me know."

olivia and i walk into my room after we get everything olivia needs. "do you get sea sick?" olivia asks, placing her small bag in the bathroom before walking out. "yeah, i get major sea sick. that's why i decided to go on a cruise for 2 months." i say sarcastically. "hey! it was just a question," olivia laughs, and i open the balcony door. we walk out, olivia closing the door behind her. the black sky had stars glowing, the ocean reflecting the stars. "pretty out here," olivia says quietly, leaning against the railing. "scary as well if you think about it," i say, looking down into the dark ocean. "do you think there's mermaids down there?" i ask, olivia looking down too. "yeah, i think so. we haven't even discovered or seen 20 percent of the ocean, so who's to say there aren't mermaids down there?" olivia says, turning to face me. "i bet they're listening right now." i half joke, waving into the water. "do you think they know you're y/n l/n?" "i don't think they have a tv underwater, so no, i don't think they know who i am, darling." i say. olivia giggles, turning around so she's leaning on the railing with her back. "that's unfortunate for them." she says, and i stand up straight, standing in front of olivia.

liv's arms snake around the back of my neck, pulling me closer. "soon, everyone's gonna know who you are," i predict, my arms wrapping around olivia. "but do i even want it?" she wonders, sighing. "what do you mean?" "i don't know... seeing everything celebrities go through, seeing everything you go through on public. you barely get any personal space, someone's filming you everywhere you go. it must be so frustrating sometimes." she says, rubbing the back of my neck. "i guess, but it's worth it if you think about it. a lot of people look up to me- like your cousin for example-. fame comes with a lot of pros and cons, but personally i think it's worth it when i see a fan's smile when they see me." i say, taking a breath as i look around behind olivia. "i guess that's if the show does good." "i don't doubt it for one second. it'll do great, it's an amazing concept. just remember me when you're famous, yeah?" i say with a smile. my body presses against olivia's as we embrace in a long hug. "promise you'll be here through my excruciating journey to fame?" olivia says, a small giggle coming though her lips as i close my eyes. "promise."

i lay next to olivia after getting ready for bed, pulling the blanket up. "what're you doing?" i ask, olivia with a pen in her right hand and small writing book out, leaning it against her legs as they bend upwards. "writing songs," she replies, writing a few words. "can i read it?" i ask, moving closer to her. "yeah, i'm just changing some lyrics in the second verse and chorus, i wrote this when i was 15." she says, handing me the book. i start to read it, smiling. "can you sing it?" i ask, handing the book back once i've finished reading it. "okay..." she trails off, clearing her throat. "and now i'm pickin' her apart, like cutting her down will make you miss my wretched heart. but she's beautiful, she looks kind, she probably gives you butterflies," she sings, taking a breath, "i hope you're happy, but not, like how, you were, with me... i'm selfish i know, i can't let you go, so find someone great but don't find no one better, i hope you're happy but don't be happier." she sings, a deep exhale coming from her mouth as she finishes the chorus. "wow..." i say, clapping slowly. olivia laughs, closing her book and placing it on the bedside table. "you're so talented!" i exclaim. "stop complimenting me!" liv says, hiding her face in her hands. "i'm gonna sue you if you don't publish that in the future, olivia rodrigo." i say, smiling as olivia's hands fall down. "maybe in the future, i've got enough on my hands right now." she says, laying fully down.

we turn off each side of the bedside lamps, and i lay on my back. "why're you so far away?" olivia whispers. "why're you so far away?" i whisper back, quietly laughing. the bed shuffles, and olivia's hand touches my waist. she moves closer, placing her head on my collarbone as her leg goes over my waist. "do you snore?" i ask, my hands wrapping around olivia. "no, do you?" "nope." i answer, closing my eyes. one of olivia's hands travel to my jaw, rubbing her thumb over my cheek. "goodnight, darling." i whisper, closing my eyes. "goodnight, baby." olivia whispers back. i smile at the nickname, letting sleep take over me.

i wake up, sun beaming through the curtain's gaps. olivia was still on me, thumb still and hand on my cheek. her breathing's consistent on my neck, feeling her stomach rising and falling constant too. i tilt my head, looking down to see olivia. her lips were slightly separated, eyes still closed and leg still over my stomach.

i reach my arm over to the bedside table, getting my phone. looking through my emails and notifications, nothing was out of the ordinary. the time read 8:56am. bored, i scroll through social media, chuckling at some of the posts. i go through tiktok for about 20 minutes, before i feel shuffling. olivia's hand rolls off my face, her body moving off mine as her eyes remain closed, now on the edge of her pillow facing me. "liv?" i whisper, turning my attention to olivia. "hm?" she hums, clearly still tired. "nothing... i just wanted to see if you woke up," i reply. olivia doesn't respond, eyes still closed. i smile, shaking my head as i turn back to my phone.

another 20 minutes pass and i assume olivia fell asleep again. i pull the blanket up to liv's shoulders, making sure she's warm enough. i reach over olivia, getting her phone. tapping the screen to turn it on, i see she has a few messages but i quickly swipe, going to the camera. i move closer to olivia, getting both of us in the frame. i press my lips to olivia's forehead, taking the photo and placing her phone back on the bedside table. i pull out my laptop from the bedside drawers, opening it to disney plus. i click on 'moon knight', watching where i left off.

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