A Random Hot Guy Interrupts my Nightmare

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Falling. That's the sensation Amber felt. She looked around her, panic building in her chest.

Not again, please.

All she could see through the reddish glow was a black wall. She knew where she was. A masculine laugh echoed around her, bringing her fear up to an impossible level.

I've got you, Amber Castellan. And you're never going to escape.

Someone beside her shifted slightly, and her eyes flew open. She looked around, trying to calm her racing heartbeat.

You're okay, you're okay. You are safe here with your friends, Leo and Piper. You are saf-- WHO THE HADES IS BESIDE ME AND WHY AM I LEANING ON HIS SHOULDER?

The person beside Amber looked like he just woke up, and her glasses scanned him up and down before informing her his name was Jason Grace and he was a son of Jupiter.

Jupiter? But--he's Roman. Are my glasses malfunctioning? Also, his last name is Grace? Thalia's brother? She never told me she had one, but he's also a child of Jupiter/Zeus, so that can't be just a coincidence...

Amber's mind was racing so much that she didn't realize she was staring at him until Emerald, her pet snake, told her (in her mind, of course) to take a picture, since it'd last longer. Amber blinked, then blushed slightly, before looking away from him, though not before making her glasses take a picture of him so she could look at it--not in a creepy way; she does that to most people she meets. And yes, her glasses can do that. They're awesome. And magical.

Is Thalia his sister? Amber asked her glasses, and they told her that he was, in fact, Thalia's brother.

Amber cleared her throat. "Um... who are you?" Jason and Amber looked at each other, having just said the same thing at the same time. Piper and Leo looked at them weirdly.

"Amber, Jason, are you two okay?" Piper asked.

"Well..." Amber tried to stall for time while she analyzed the situation. Jason had a confused expression and looked like he had no idea what was happening. Piper and Leo seemed to know Jason. Jason was a demigod, just like Piper, Leo, and herself. Jason looked very...well, to put it bluntly, stunning--not that that mattered, or that she noticed. His blonde hair, blue eyes, and scar on his face--albeit the scar looked different--made him look quite a bit like Luke, though not as...frightening as Luke did the last time Amber saw him. Something was up. Probably Mist.

Emerald, do you know this guy? Amber asked her snake pet/friend.

Nope. he just appeared here a few seconds ago, Emerald told her from inside her messenger bag.

She was saved from having to come up with something to say, because, just as she opened her mouth to spout out some excuse, Gleeson--or, as she's supposed to call him while she's here, Coach Hedge-- shouted, "Listen up!"

His baseball cap was on, hiding his horns and most of his forehead, so Amber could only see his eyes. He had a sour face, like he'd just accidentally eaten a rusty can. His black workout pants and Nikes that were hiding his goat legs and hooves were spotless. Oh, yeah, forgot to mention one small detail--he's a satyr. He was wearing a whistle and megaphone, two things Amber never saw him without, even at camp. When he stood up, a student called "Stand up, Coach!"

"I heard that!" Amber sighed at this, feeling slightly bad for Gleeson, who was five feet tall. Amber was a whole eleven inches taller than him. Hedge scanned the bus for the offender. His eyes met Amber's, and she furrowed jer eyebrows in a confused expression and subtly gestured toward Jason. His eyes fixed on Jason, and his scowl deepened, making Amber inwardly sigh in relief. That meant Jason was almost definitely here because of some immortal deity, and Emerald and herself weren't just going crazy. She briefly wondered if Gleeson was going to call Jason out in front of the entire class, but then he looked away and cleared his throat.

"We'll arrive in five minutes! Stay with your partner. If any of you precious little cupcakes causes trouble on this trip, I will personally send you back to campus the hard way." He picked up a baseball bat and mimed hitting a ball. Amber saw Jason turn to look at Leo, Piper, and me.

"Can he talk to us that way?"

Piper shrugged. "Always does. This is the Wilderness School. 'Where kids are the animals.'"

She's not wrong, Emerald said.

"This is some kind of mistake," Jason said. "I'm not supposed to be here." Leo laughed.

"Yeah, right, Jason. We've all been framed! I didn't run away six times. Amber didn't sneak into Bill Gate's house and hack into his Smartfridge. Piper didn't steal a BMW." At that, Piper blushed.

"I didn't steal that car, Leo!"

No, you didn't, Amber agreed. You unkowingly used your charmspeak.

"Oh, I forgot, Piper. What was your story? You 'talked' the dealer into lending it to you?"

Yes, actually...

Amber looked at Leo for a moment. Leo seemed a lot like another Hermes child at first glance, with his pointy ears and mischievous smile that told you immediately that he should not be trusted around matches or sharp objects. He was fidgeting with everything in sight, at usual--his hair, the buttons on his army fatigue jacket, a few wires.

"Anyway, Leo said to Jason," I hope you've got your worksheet, 'cause I used mine for spit wads days ago. Why are you looking at me like that? (The Fault in our Stars vibes) Somebody draw on my face again?" Amber tried not to smirk at that, remembering how easy it was--she happened to have a few pens in her bag, and he was asleep...she felt sort of bad, though.

"I don't know you," Jason said.

Okay, I was right. He doesn't seem to understand what's happening, either.

Leo gave him his signature grin. "Sure you don't. I'm not your best friend. I'm his evil clone."

"Guys, seriously," Jason pleaded. "What am I doing here? Where are we going?" Piper knit her eyebrows.

"Jason, are you joking?"

"No! I have no idea--"

"Aw, yeah, he's joking. He's trying to get me back for the--"

"Leo, he's telling the truth," Amber interrupted.

"How do you know, Amber?" Leo looked at her.

"The same way I can always tell when you're lying," she replied.

My magical glasses. And my natural gift at that.

Piper frowned. "Did you hit your head or something? You really don't know who we are?"

Jason shrugged helplessly. "It's worse than that. I don't know who I am."

𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌-- 𝕵𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕲𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖊 𝖝 𝕱𝖊𝖒! 𝕺𝕮 (TLH) [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now