part 43- He deserves to know.

Start from the beginning

Doctor reached there very soon where Tae was waiting for him impatiently at the door. He checked pulse ,blood pressure and breathing. Seeing signs of releif on his face Taehyung's face softened a bit .

" Aah! You scared me Tae ! He is fine. I think he fainted due to stress and lack of energy. Is he taking his food and medicines on time? Looking at him I don't think so"

Taehyung gulped. It's not that Tae was not worried or not taking care of Jungkook. He gave him his full attention but past two days had really been tough and rough. They had intense arguments last night and Tae was so angry that unintentionally he forgot that Whatever the situation might be, Jungkook was still a patient and leaving him unattended could cause a serious problem.

He regretted everything, every harsh word he told Jungkook even though they were absolutely true but may be he could say it in another way, may be he should have acted more matured, more calm. Atleast he should have come back to check Jungkook's condition, whether he had eaten or not ,took medicines or not, stopped crying or not .. he should have checked it. .. Tae felt so much guilty.

Jungkook soon came in sences after doctor injected him and was given some medicines soon. Tae instantly hugged him and said " kook , don't scare hyung like this again ok?" A tear left his eye.

Jungkook smiled at him weakly and said ," I am so sorry hyung, I have become just a trouble to you, please forgive me. You have nothing to do with it and still dealing with so many issues because of me"

" Never say that again kook,never. How many times I have to tell you that ? Do you forget you address me as your family, hmm?" Tae replied firmly.

He went towards the door when doctor was leaving to the house.

" Tae please don't take his medication and food routine lightly . Healthy and regular diet and medicines are must for him. I still advice to inform his family. And make sure he doesn't stress too much ok? Stress can be a trouble maker" Doctor said . Tae nodded .

While doctor was leaving two people coming towards the door and froze at his place..

They were Jungkook's parents.....

"Hello Taehyung" Jungkook' s father greeted him with not so warm smile, while Jungkook's mother clearly ignored him.

Tae greeted both of them and bowed. Jungkook's parents couldn't got an idea of Jungkook's not well being instantly as when they went in Jungkook had already got up and was in washroom.

When Jungkook came out he was visibly shocked when he saw his parents, sitting in the living room and Tae was standing there , nervous.

"Why are you not picking up our call son? And what stunt have you done yesterday ? " Jungkook's father asked him , not sparing the time for Jungkook to even greet them .

" When did you change your preferences Jungkook-ah? Last when I knew you loved Jimin intensely. And that last was just a month before. You didn't bother to inform us and announced it on national television? My Jiminie doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. No offence Taehyung-ah, I don't want to hurt or insult you but I really love Jiminie So words just came out on their own. Hope I've not make you feel bad." Jungkook's mother spoke in one breath.

Clearly Jungkook's parents were furious.

" Appa, eomma, I wanted to tell you but it happened suddenly and .."

" Stop it kook , just stop please. Stop hiding the truth." Tae shouted.

Everyone flinched by sudden change in Taehyung's voice.

"Uncle- aunty , I am going to tell you everything now. I am tired of hiding the facts now and moreover you guys deserves to know the truth . "

Jungkook tried to stop him .

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