Part-59💙 𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝙸

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(Jungkook wasn't much tired, he was tossing on his bed when he heard soft knock on the door. He opened the door and say Jungmee. Deja vu

(She was standing. sucking on her pacifier looking at Jungkook with her doe eyes)

Jk: "My princess come." (Jungkook carried her in his arms)

Tae: "Ah sorry Jungkook, She disturbed you. I tried making her sleep but she was whining to be with you"

Jk: "It's ok Tae If you don't mine can she sleep with me?

Jk: "Yeah but she won't sleep because she's excited and happy that she's gonna be with you."

Jk: "I'm not sleepy as well so it'll be fine."

(After seconds of awkward silence. Taehyung left before Jungkook could stop him)

Jin: "Had a good nap guys?!"

Jimin: "Yes hyung but someone is still sleepy

Yoongi: "Yeah I'm sleepy because Someone woke me up by hitting on my di--

Jimin: "Shut up! Let's eat?!"

Jin: "Tae, go call Jungkook & also bring Jungmee with you".

(Taehyung left to call Jungkook for dinner. As he was about to knock on the door he heard Jungkook)

Jk' "Baby, my princess... do you also like that Seojoon more than dada?!"

(Jungkook was lying on the bed with Jungmee on his stomach, Both were talking on some serious topic. Hahah)

Jk: "Dada- like dadas

Jk: "Aw my baby. Dada loves you but your mama likes Seojoon (Jungkook pout and Jungmee also pout)

(Taehyung sighed and knocked on the door he heard come in as reply)

Tae: "Come Jungkook, dinner is ready"

(Jungkook nodded & follow Taehyung with Jungmee in his arms)

Jk: "Hi hyungs" (Taehyung fixed Jungmee on her seat)

Jin: "Tae, did you call Seojoon! Namjoon also haven't arrived yet!"

Tae: "Yeah hyung. They're on the way."

(Soon they heard door bell rung and Seojoon entered)

Seojoon: "Hello! Good evening. Sorry I get late"

Jin: "Where's my husband?"

Namjoon: "Hello guys! Hi baby!"

Jin: "Again you came late?"

Namjoon: "Sorry baby." (Namjin kissed)

(Seojoon smiled at Namjin and other too) Seojoon: "Should I too?!"

Jk: "WHAT THE FXCK? (Everyone got surprised at Jungkook's sudden yell)

Seojoon: "I mean can I too have dinner with you'll !"

Jk: "oh uh yeah !? I mean even if I say no, you'll still not leave." (Jungkook mumbled to himself)


Jeonlous or Taelous?!

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