Part-39💗 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒎𝒆𝒆

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??: "Where's he?!"
Jimin: "He went out... saying he needs to get some fresh air."
??: " Ah ok! But why did he go alone?! He should have taken me or you with him. Jimin, is he fine?!?! I'm missing my baby..."

Jimin: "Don't worry hyung. Let him be. Btw are you missing the baby so much?! I can get her here any time u want.."
??: "Won't he get suspicious?!"
Jimin: "Hyung, it's gonna be a month soon since our baby is there and I often visit my house you know."
As the unknown hyung and Jimin were busy talking, they heard sounds of door--- opening and then closing.

Jimin: "Oh Tae! You're finally here.... what happened?!! Y r u crying??!!"
Jimin asked getting worried seeing his bestfriend crying
??: ""OMG baby! What happened?! Did he hurt u??!"
Tae: "NO Jinnie hyung... I'm fine."
Jin: "NO you're not! Tell me!!"

Tae: "I saw him.."
Jimin: "Jungkook?!" Tae nodded "did he say something?! Did he do something to Taeh... I mean Jungmee?!!"

Tae chuckled wiping his tears away.
Tae: "He gave such a pretty name to her...."
Jimin: "Yeah.... he said that it's soo special n so on... to Jungmee."

Tae: "Chim.. Jin hyung, y'know what.... I saw him holding my Jungmee so protectively to his chest. As if she isn't a stranger baby..."
Jin: "Yeah because she isn't a stranger. It's his own baby. Tho he wasn't there when she was born but maybe his heart felt a something...."
Tae: "He wasn't there.."
A tear left Tae's eyes. He wiped it away.

The line was repeating in his head. He remembered those bad yet good days. Bad bcoz Jungkook broke and good bcoz of the news of pregnancy.

Jimin: "So when are you going to meet him?!"
Tae: "Chim, there's no point in meeting him... he has a lover...."
Jimin: "Tae, no! I'm not taking his side but let me tell you he isn't like before. He has hurt u but don't assume things on your own....."I won't say much.... but he has changed and is willing to make things right up to u."

Tae didn't say anything. He haven't thought about meeting Jungkook yet.
Jin: "I wanna meet my Lil baby Jungmee so badly." Jin pouted. [Taeha is Jungmee]
Jimin: "You Wanna meet her?!"
Tae: "Yes Chim, please! I'm missing my heart so much." He pleaded.
Jimin: "ok! Let Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok get busy with their business..... I'll bring Jungmee here."

Jimin hugged Tae.
Jimin: "Now you big baby, stop crying. Let me tell u something."
Jimin told Tae and Jin everything. Like how the mafia boss got all soft and caring for the babygirl. Like how he was the one who was feeding, bathing, changing nappies of Jungmee.  And sleeping with her on his chest.... arms wrapped around her protectively.

Tae: "I'll soon take Jungmee back from J....Jungkook before they get too attached. I don't won't my Jungmee, my heart to cry and ruin her health because of him. I haven't thought of forgetting him. I don't want to forgive him and trust him again and then be heartbroken again...."
Jin and Jimin nodded.


Votes & comments are very much appreciated:)

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