Part-23🧡 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔

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Getting disturbed by sunrays, Tae got up. He rubbed his eyes, still lying on bed

Then he rembered whatever happened last night
He knew so well that happened- everything
He sighed rubbing his face in the blanket
He tried to get up to freshen up but felt hard grip on his waist
His eyes widened when he peeked inside the blanket

Tae: "He's here...I thought he will leave after--"
Tae was surprised- He pushed Jk's hair back, rubbed his hand on his cheeks

He saw Jk's face puffed into his tummy

"He's here-- beside me."
Tae smiled. His heart did something
Tears left from his eyes. He was feeling so overwhelmed

Tae chuckled at Jk's cute behavior. He pecked the bad guy's mark that was on his cheek
Jk started shifting when he didn't feel the warm touch on his cheeks

As Tae was busy admiring Jk and Jk was busy sleeping- both got disturbed by Jk's phone ring

Jk: "Fxch shut upsjssdhd.."
Jk cursed in sleep
And it took milli second to Jk to wake up. He dreamily stared at Tae

Tae: "Jungkook, get up--"

Jk: "You are here."
Tae: "I am here."
Jk: "y-- you know what happened last night?!"
Jk asked after few seconds
Tae: "Y-- yes."
Tae blushed

Tae: "T-- that's good..
Jk: "I want to tell yo--"
But again Jk's phone rang. He was going to cut but Tae stopped him
Tae: "It might be important. It's ringing from so long."

Jk: "Uh oh OK.."
Jk: "It's Yoongi hyung. Yeah hello hyu-- oh OK I'm coming."
Jk ended the call
Jk: "Tae, something came up. I'll see you later ok." Tae: "Hmm Ok..."
And Jk left


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