Part-42💗 𝒂𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒎𝒆𝒅

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?? – Here! I was following them since you told me. And this is what I got for you.
The unknown man who Jungkook trusts shows these pictures of Tae and Jungmee to Jungkook.
It was evening when Jimin head back to Jungkook’s Mansion with Jungmee/Taeha.  As he entered – he saw Jungkook, Yoongi, Hoseok and few other gang members all were present there. And the Mafia Boss Jungkook was sitting on the couch with not so calm expression. Jimin halt at his steps at seeing them. The thing about what Jimin was scared- happened
Jm: J-Jungkook…
Jk: Where have you went!!? With Taeha!!
Jm: I just went for a walk
Jk: Oh a walk! Since morning?! Look at the time!! It’s fucking 8 o’clock, Hyung!!
Taeha’s sleep got disturbed by Jungkook’s loud voice, She got up…rubbing her eyes with her tiny fists & blabbered something but soon seeing Jungkook, she made grabby hands to him. Jungkook took her is his arms..
Jk: My Princess. Where were you? You scared Dada.
The others who were standing

The others who were standing there were surprised at seeing soft expression of the Mafia who was angry a few minutes ago. Taeha giggled when Jk kissed her soft cheeks. She blabbered something in excitement
Taeha: Da….
Jk: Huh (Jungkook was Jungshook)
Jk: Wh-what did you say baby?! Say it again Princess
But instead of repeating what she said second’s before- she yawned and lie her head on her Da’s shoulder  
Jm: Sh-she called DA, Jungkook
Jungkook nodded his head, eyes getting teary.
Jk: I’ll talk to you later.
Jungkook said to Jimin in a cold voice and left with his sleeping Princess to his room.

------AT JUNGKOOK’S ROOM------
Jungkook very carefully lay Taeha and covered her with Blanket and lay next to her.
Jk: You’re m-mine.. you are m-my baby and h-his… You are mine and Tae’s…. what my h-heart felt was r-right. Y-you are min… you’re ours… Oh my God!! I  I cant be more happy… My baby. My Princess… My Taeha…. My Jungmee.
Jungkook kissed his baby’s forehead, hands, nose, lips, cheeks, feet… He was the happiest man alive at that moment. His tears of happiness didn’t stop for a second. He was very thankful to God at knowing that Taeha is his and Tae’s.

In Part. 37, Jungkook called Hoseok and asked him to follow Jimin. He did so because he felt some strings… connection with the little girl. And also he was suspicious of Jimin’s actions. So he took the step. And now he was so happy and sad. Happy knowing about Taeha and sad because he knew that soon the baby girl will leave him. Tae will take her. Jungkook was sad at the though of Taeha and Tae being away from him but he knew he deserved it. So he prepared himself emotionally not to break down.
Jungkook went to living are where Yoonmin and Hoseok were
Jk: No wonder why you agreed on babysitting Taeha! Because she’s Tae’s and mine! And don’t you say no because I know everything now.
Jm: So what?! Now you know everything so you are going to hurt Tae again??? By taking his heart, his Jungmee away from him. Jungkook, you better not! Jungmee is his everything. And I wont let you split the mother and daughter. Keep that in your mind!


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