Chapter 14: Games

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A/N: I haven't updated my other story in ages, because last time I did it barely got any reads bc this one is fire 🔥. Anywho, on with this.

(Updated February 20th)
(Updated May 27th)

Shigaraki's pov;
"Toga, like I said, an 8 only does that in crazy 8's, we're playing uno."
Togas door opened and Dabi stood there.
"You guys are still at it?" He asked.
"You're back late" I replied changing the subject since I was getting frustrated at how Toga doesn't know the difference between crazy 8's and uno.
"Apparently I almost died."
"What do you mean."
"I fell off the building because Hawks tried to scare me. I'm surprised I didn't lose a staple."
"Like I said, main character." I said, placing a blue 4 down.
"Is she okay? She hasn't spoken yet."
"She's confused with her games."
"No I'm not!" Toga shouted, refusing to admit defeat.
"So are we spending the night in your dorm again, or can I just leave?" Dabi asked.
"You can leave, I'm tired of playing uno anyways." Toga answered. He simply left room, closing the door behind him.
"Main character moments, holy shit." I said, talking about Dabi again.
"He fell off a building-" I said.
"Oh yeah, well you're more of a main character. You're all for one's successor, according to Spinner when we fought the Meta liberation army, you touched one person and it affected a mob." She said.
"Toga you got a power up too." I said.
"I know!" She replied happily, not realizing my point of view on being a "main character".
"Alright well I'm leaving. Bye." I said. Closing her door behind mine, I opened my door and waited a few seconds then closed it again. I am honestly in the mood to go spy on people. I made my way downstairs and ended up getting caught by the red head kid and he invited me to join them. The reason I wanted to spy, was to see if they told each other stuff we villains can use against them. Also for my own entertainment. I tried to just turn around and leave but he caught up to me.
"Come join us, see if you can get to know everyone!" He said, enthusiastically. I should've just gone to my dorm. He basically dragged me with him, and there almost all of 1-A was playing truth or dare.
"Go get the others!" One of them shouted, not ordering me just because they were happy I guess.
"They won't come down." I said, predicting what would happen.
"I'll go get them!" 2 girls shouted in sync. And there Ashido and Yaoyorozu ran off to go and try to get them to play.

"How did they convince you two?"
"Toga, got convinced. I on the other hand, got threatened." Dabi replied, correcting my question.
"Okay, so, you guys know how to play, right?"
"A little bit"
"Okay well I'll explain it"


"Okay, now let's start!"
"Okay, Shoji, truth or dare?" Ashido asked.
"Umm dare-"
"Take off your mask on your mouth!"
"Alright.." He took off his mask to reveal he had no mouth at all, which didn't seem to surprise some of his friends, but I was honestly kind of surprised. Well, I wasn't surprised that he had no mouth, because there are literally people who's heads are dogs, I just thought he had one because he wore a mask. Actually I'm starting to understand why the mask is more mandatory for someone with no mouth where it's supposed to be.
"Okay, my turn now. Asui, truth or dare?" Shoji asked.
"Ribbit, I'm picking truth." She answered, making a frog noise in the process. Shoji's hand thing that has a mouth on it formed into a smirk or dumb kind of evil smile.
"Who is your bestest friend between the girls?" He asked. Many of the other guys smiled afterwords and all the girl were glaring at each other. Oh so he's starting little drama, that's honestly something Toga would do.
"Ummm, Uraraka." She replied, telling the truth but seeming nervous for the girls' reactions.
"Yay!" Uraraka shouted.
"Alright Tsuyu, your turn." Momo said, seeming frustrated at the truth Shoji asked.
"Okay ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Todoroki! Truth or dare?" She asked, after clearly thinking for a long moment.
"Truth." He replied without having to think like some of the others.
"Okay.....Midoriya told me you had siblings, so who are they?" She asked.
"What kind of truth is that?" I asked.
"Well I don't want to ask him anything personal, so that's what I asked." She replied to me. I rolled my eyes.
"Pfft, if you guys can't speak to your friends about your trauma, then you're all kind of wimps." I said.
"Look at the burn on his face, you really think he would just go up to people and start telling his life story? Sorry for speaking of you as if you're some kind of object." Momo said, apologizing the Pokéball seconds later after realizing she was speaking of him as if he wasn't here.
"Please, we've all been through worse." Dabi said, joining the argument. Wasn't Todoroki his childhood friend? I mean he should probably know if Todoroki's trauma is so intense or not then.
"What about Toga? She looks fine." Some kid asked, wanting to pick a fight or something.
"Neglected. Being told I constantly have to act like some kind of fake human even at my own home. Being forced to be some kind of fancy lady from the 1940's from the age of 3. I broke at 15." She said, making a sarcastic smile at the end.
"Longer than any of you brats could last." I commented.
"So that drove you to kill people?" Someone asked, in a confused and angry voice. As if it wasn't a question, but they still wanted to know the answer.
"My quirk had part in that. Still went 12 years with resisting the urge to have blood 24 hours a day 365 days a year. It was pretty hard honestly." She said, acting as if it was an interview just to piss them off.
"Can we just go back to the game?" One of the girls asked trying not to get angry.
"Fuyumi, Natsuo, and my dead brother Touya/Toya." The Todoroki said. We went back to playing that weird game again then they started to call on us a lot more asking some dumbass questions like "how tall are you" or really personal shit like 'why did you join AFO?' if we picked truth. None of us had picked dare, since we didn't know what their dates were like yet.
"Shigaraki truth or dare?"
"Again? Fine, dare." A despicable smirk came across Kaminari's face, because he was the one that asked.
"Okay, tell us where all for one is." He said. The room went quiet and everyone just kept staring between us and him. I mean I knew he was stupid but what the hell?
"How am I supposed to know." I asked.
"Because you're his success." He said.
"Successor, Kami." Mina corrected.
"We've been here for almost 2 weeks how are we supposed to know what he's doing? Well he should be in Tartarus but there's probably a reason you asked that or you're just super dumb. We don't even know what the rest of the league is up to." I said.
"Oh, you don't know? It's on the news I can turn it on-"
"Breaking news, we found out that 5 days ago, almost the whole league of villains were put in jail by the heroes eraserhead, Midnight, and gran Torino. Endeavor also turned up but according to the other heroes came when they had half of them captured. There are 3 villains uncaptured, and they happen to be the most powerful. Thi-"

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