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Katrina P.O.V

"It's finally here," I exclaimed excitedly, bouncing up and down on my feet waiting for the doors to open.

"What's the big deal? Not like your going to make it anyways," my best friend Grant joked.

"Oh quit being so unsupportive," I huffed and threw open the double doors.

Sound familiar? I was going to end this semester the same way I started it... with a bang.

Hopefully not on my head or leg this time.

I walked into the auditions with a smile on my face. I had my boyfriend, sister, and best friends waiting for me outside and I was ready to succeed or fail.

"Alright then Katrina. Show us what you've got," the lady said encouragingly.

I smiled and gave the routine all I could, adding in a small unexpected flip in the end. It took about 2 weeks to get my crutches off and another to get myself back into gymnastics, but I was back and better than ever.

"Will you go over to the bars for me? Thank you."

I did a small routine on the bars and landed my backflip.


I did a successful back handspring tuck off the vault.

"Alright then! We'll get back to you next week," the lady smiled.

I grinned and walked out, immidiently being bombarded with questions and a very comforting hug from Ricky. I relaxed into his arms and ignored the questions.

I pulled away once they all stopped and grinned at everyone.

"So how do you think you did?" Nini asked.

"I think that was the best I've ever done," I smiled.

"Oh yeah! Slices to celebrate guys!" Courtney smiled.


"To Katrina, our rising gymnast and star," Ashlyn grinned.

"Woohoo!" I cheered, and we all clinked our glasses.

"So how's school going Lily?" I asked.

"Oh it's hard but it's so much fun! I feel really accepted and I got one of the main parts in our new musical," she grinned.

Yeah, Lily got the scholarship. Her dreams are taking her in new directions, just like mine are.

Summer break was underway and I don't think that my life could get any better.

"Buckle up Wildcats. This summer's about to get hot."



YES! WE HAVE FINISHED!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!! 1.2k reads! This is the best feeling ever! I'm so happy that I made this story almost exactly a year ago. If you want me to do season 3 when it comes out, I might because I feel like this ended in an amazing place, but there's still some info we need. Anyways I love you all!

Have a great day/night!

-Signing off as Realcat27

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