Forgiveness and Persuasion

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I am skipping "Most Likely To" because there is not much for our character to do in this episode. This starts a little bit before the event of "Spring Break" just in case you were confused with when everything is happening. :)

I was sitting on the stage talking with Lily and Grant at the end of rehearsals when Mr. Roy came in from a call.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make," he said.

We all perked up, watching him intently.

"As you all know, spring break is a mere 3 days away, and during spring break, everyone always goofs off and forgets about school! Which we can not afford!" Mr. Roy continued, "So this year, I have asked the school for permission to take you on a strictly educational trip to..." he trailed off, pausing for suspense. "NEW YORK CITY!" he yelled.

It took a split second for the news to sink in before everyone, including me, cheered.

"I've never been outside of Utah," I told Lily.

"Me either, even when we moved we stayed in Utah," Lily told me.

"I have," Grant boasted.

"Oh really? Where?" Lily smirked.

Grant blushed and I giggled.

"Okay fine, but I was at the edge of Utah once," Grant defended.

"Sure you were," Lily and I said at the same time.

We both laughed and Grant grumbled something about sisters. I have to admit it's good to have my old Lily back, at least in front of Grant and I. Everyone else she was still mean too. We're working on it though.

"Okay settle down everyone, yes, we will be taking a trip to New York City! I have a friend down there who is interested in selling something for our musical. Plus, we get to immerse ourselves in theatre and culture," Mr. Roy said enthusiastically.

I secretly thought he was just as excited as us to go.

"I just looked it up! Beauty and the Beast is playing on Broadway over spring break!" a girl in the back squealed.

"Yes, that's another reason we're going," Mr. Roy told us.

We all cheered again, louder this time.

"Now, I'm going to hand out these permission forms, you each take one and bring it back before spring break to be able to go.

"So wait, the school if funding this?" another girl asked.

"Yes, they want to win at the Menkes as much as we do," Mr. Roy nodded.

We all started talking about New York while Mr. Roy passed the slips out.

"I'm going to need to wake up extra early tomorrow," I told Grant and Lily.

Grant looked confused but Lily nodded in understanding. I told her about my mom and how she always got home after I went to be and left before I woke up.

"Text me what happens," she told me quietly. I nodded to her and she left to go home.

Everyone else filed out quickly until it was only Grant and I left. We smiled at each other, said goodbye to Mr. Roy, and left for the bus.

"I can't believe we're going to New York!" I said excitedly.

"Yeah, though I doubt my mom will let me go," Grant said sadly.

"Well then let me come home with you or talk to your mom! I'm sure I can convince her," I said.

"Lily said the same thing, and I'll give you the same answer, N O! I don't want my mom getting mad at me," he said quietly.

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