New Years Pt 1

535 11 2

Time Skip to New Years!

I was so excited! New Years is always a time for me to make myself a better person, try a new hairstyle, say yes to more things, or even wear something fancy, which I would totally need if I was going to the party Ashlyn was throwing tonight. I thought it might be a bit weird for me since it would only be theatre kids from East High but she told me not to worry.

I was worried.

Text (Also I have to write in emojis cause my computer doesn't have them)

Kat: Hey Grant!

Grant: Hey Kat, what are you doing?

Kat: Getting ready for Ashlyn's party, you?

Grant: Getting ready for the party my mom is throwing (eyeroll emoji)

Kat: Yeesh, wish you could come to Ashlyn's.

Gran: Me too

Kat: Anyways, how do you think the theatre kids will react to me being a North High student? Nini said some of them are really against it.

Grant: No clue, but I bet everyone will back you up, you have a way of making people like you.

Kat: Aww thanks! (Blush emoji)


Kat: You good?

Grant: Yeah sorry, tell me all about what happens!

Kat: You bet I will!

I finished up the conversation and picked out my clothing, I wanted something natural, but fancy in its own way, and yellow, giving them a hint to what school I go to wouldn't be so bad. I ended up picking out black leggings, and a yellow top with some flowers on it. (Imagine the shirt at the top but a little shorter and with black leggings. Also ignore the girl) I brushed my hair (not easy with curls) and put a hair clip into the top so it was out of my eyes.

I finally put on some black boots and grabbed my bag, I had made chocolate crescent rolls for everyone (a specialty of mine) and I didn't want them to get tossed around in the car. It had been 2 days since my sleepover with Nini and my mom said she got things settled with my father. They were living on the other, OTHER side of town anyways.

I was still a little worried but telling Nini made me feel better about the whole situation. I got into the car and my mom and I drove to Ashlyn's, I was spending the night there so I was all ready. When we finally got there, I heard everyone singing a song from High School Musical 2 and I knew we came to the right place. I got out and hugged my mom before slowly walking, waiting for the song to be over, before I knocked.

Before long, a guy I didn't know came up to the house as well. "Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Kat, are you here for the party?" I asked.

He chuckled a bit. "You could say that, I'm also here because I live here," he said.

"Oh! You must be Ashlyn's cousin Ej!" I exclaimed, finally noticing he was exactly how Ashlyn had described him.

He was a year older, with black hair and a handsome face.

"Oh you know Ashlyn?" he asked.

"Yeah, or else I wouldn't be at her house now would I?" I chuckled and he laughed too.

"I suppose not, I think we can just go in," he told me and opened the door.

That was one more person down.

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