Break a Leg! ... Oh Wait Not Literally!!!

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A.N: All of the other chapters have undergone some editing. I've decided to proof-read them and they need some work. It's nothing major for the plot but hopefully it'll include better grammar and be easier to follow.


"Hey Kat, what's wrong," Lily laughed, hugging me back after the strangle hug I gave her.

"Oh nothing, I'm just terrified," I told her truthfully.

She laughed. "You're terrified? I'm the lead!" she exclaimed.

"Oh yeah right, you have much more of a reason to freak out," I admitted, stepping back.

"Hey, we all do. Opening nights are hard," she told me.

"Hey Kat, one of your East High friends are here, plus Grant," a stage director told me.

I perked up and dragged Lily out the door towards the lobby.

"Where is she?" I heard Ricky ask.

"Come on are you blind? I'm right here," I announced, stepping out from behind the wall.

"Hey Kat," he laughed as I ran up to him and hugged him.

Lily of course did the same thing for Grant.

I pulled back put kept my arms around his neck. "So why did you and Grant come together?" I asked.

"Oh that was purely chance, I had no idea those two were dating," Ricky smiled.

"I know! I love them!" I said excitedly.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked.

"They said they would be a little late, so I came early to wish you good luck," Ricky smiled.

"Well I'm really glad you did," I smiled, blushing slightly.

Lily cleared her throat and I broke away from the hug completely, looking at her.

"Come on, as sappy as that was, we have to get back. Curtains open in 7 minutes," Lily said urgently.

"Oh yeah right totally! Also what on earth are you carrying?" I asked Grant.

"Oh right! Happy birthday!" he said, handing me the bag.

"Oh you really didn't have to do that!" I exclaimed, taking the bag.

"I really did. Now come on, let's go," he smiled.

"Bye Ricky! Wish me luck!" I smiled, as he just stared openmouthed at me.

"What?" I asked.

"It's your birthday TODAY?" Ricky asked.

"Yep," I smiled.

"Okay, well you're coming out with us all tonight okay?" Ricky laughed.

"Deal," I smiled.

"Break a leg!" he called.


"Be. Our. Guest!"

That was my cue. I did a cartwheel onto the stage and began my routine. I had practiced another step to really wow the audience. My handspring turnover was a success and that was how I planned to end the show... until it wasn't.

Nobody saw the flash of pain that went through my face. Nobody saw the tears well up in my eyes, and if they did they assumed it was out of joy as I bowed and took hands with the other two candelabras, bowing with them as the curtain closed.

The moment intermission began, I collapsed on the prop chair next to me, rubbing my ankle.

"Kat! That was amaz- WHAT HAPPENED!" Lily exclaimed, immidiently propping my ankle on another chair, sisterly instincts kicking in.

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