The Climax

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So it turns out my vacation was almost 2 weeks, I got to finish three chapters in that time and I am going to start writing and editing on Wattpad for the next 2 chapters. You'll probably have those by this evening. For now though, here it is!


Ashlyn stepped up and sang. I stepped back to give her more rom on the platform, but I was of course me. I tripped over my feet and fell off the rise and yelled, preparing for the impact of the floor... but it never came.


I of course had my eyes closed, who wouldn't if you were about to fall 10 feet off of a rise and probably break something. But as soon as I thought I would hit the floor, I stopped moving.

"Am I dead?" I asked.

"No, but you tried really hard to be," I heard a voice chuckle.

It was at that moment I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. I slowly opened my eyes and I was staring straight into the one's of Ricky Bowen.

I looked around and saw Grant on the floor, Lily about 3 steps away from us actually looking concerned, a piece of the riser on the floor next to Ricky and I, and everyone from East High glaring at me, except Ricky of course.

I looked at Lily questioningly, how could so much have changed in the 10 seconds that I had fallen? I heard the auditorium door open. It was then that I realized he was still holding me bridal style. Ricky seemed to realize this too and quickly put me down.

"Thanks," I blushed, looking down.

"Don't mention it," Ricky said, rubbing the back of his neck and smiling.

I heard the door close again and everyone went to leave.

"Um for the record, we won," Carlos said as we were all leaving.

"Are you kidding, just because my sister almost got seriously injured?" Lily cried out.

Everyone glared at me, and her. I winced, this was becoming more painful than when I could have fallen.

"Look, did you see Gina's moves? We obviously won," Seb said defiantly.

"Umm did you see Katrina's gymnastics?" Grant said.

"Look, let them say they won, we'll find out at the Menkes, because we have something you don't," Carlos boasted.

At that moment Nini came in. "Nini's rose song" Seb challenged.

"Aww that's cute, I hate to break it to you Wild Cats but you can't altar the original Menken text," Lily said, quoting what I had been saying to Nini this whole time.

Everyone looked shocked and turned to Ej, who looked just as confused.

"You had one job!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Well lets do it anyways," Nini said.

"I don't know, maybe the song just didn't fit with the show anyways," Ricky said slowly, as if trying on the words someone else had put into his mouth.

Nini looked at him and stormed out. "Nini!" Ricky said running out after her.

Everyone else left and I was left to sit there, then I realized who had opened the door.

"NINI!" I yelled, running out after Ricky in a sudden horrifying realization.

I saw Seb standing with Courtney, who then texted someone on her phone. Howie exited behind me, and I heard his ringtone go off.

Rivals: Ricky Bowen X OcTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang