New Years Pt 2

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Katrina P.O.V

I was shocked. There was no possible way that I had gotten Ariel.

"What did you say," Miss Jen asked, sounding worried but I didn't know why.

"I auditioned for the little mermaid musical at my school, and I got Ariel.

"Congratulations Kat!" Courtney, Nini, Big Red, Carlos, and Seb said enthusiastically.

"Thanks guys," I said blushing.

"Oh no! Ashlyn did you tell her our musical?" Miss Jen asked quietly.

"I umm no of course not," Ashlyn said, though she was a terrible liar.

"If you know, Zakie's going to know soon enough!" Miss Jen muttered to herself.

"Everyone over here, now!" Miss Jen called.

I assumed I was NOT welcome.

Miss Jen P.O.V

"Everyone, that girl is from North High!" I said and a few students gasped and looked towards her. I had a bad feeling about her from the start and now... here was the proof!

"You told her the musical and it's only a matter of time before Zakie finds out," I exclaimed.

A couple more people shot her suspicious glances and she looked hurt. I went back to talking with them.

"We can't risk her finding out anything else, or she'll use it against us, that's how North High students (and teachers) operate," I said fiercely.

No one said anything so I continued.

"I'm going to leave, make sure everyone has an excuse to as well, she can't find anything else out about us.

"Miss Jen," Ricky said quietly, looking a little bit regretful I noticed.

"Yes Ricky?" I asked him.

"Katrina left," he told us.

"Oh no, Katrina," Ashlyn said, about to go after her but I stopped her.

"We don't dance with the enemy," I told her.

She looked like she was about to argue but I walked out the door.

Katrina P.O.V

"We can't risk her finding anything else out or she'll use it against us, that's how North High students (and teachers) work," Miss Jen muttered fiercely enough that I heard her.

That was the last straw, I took my jacket and left, they wouldn't notice I was gone anyways, the outsider in the East High students. I didn't see however, that one person did notice I was gone.

Ashlyn P.O.V

I felt so bad that Miss Jen was talking about Kat like that, I was going to say something, but she just kept talking, until Ricky said that Kat left. I didn't even notice, I felt so guilty.

"Kat," I shouted and I almost ran out the door but Miss Jen stopped me.

"You don't dance with the enemy," she told me and I was about to finally argue, say what was on my mind, but Miss Jen walked out the door.

I wanted to follow, but it would be no use, that would just get Miss Jen mad and added to the fact that Kat was super stubborn. I would just have to text Kat later.

Nini P.O.V

I didn't want Miss Jen talking about Kat like that, but I had already suffered enough with Ricky being disappointed, I didn't need Miss Jen getting angry at me before I left for Denver.

"Umm guys, Katrina left," Ricky said.

I noticed he looked a little regretful, though I didn't know what that was about. I had not time to do anything because the party ended soon after that and Ricky wanted to talk with me.

Ricky P.O.V

I noticed she left, I don't know why or how, but I was looking at Miss Jen, and I felt something leave the room, a brightness or aura of some sort.

I looked over and she was gone.

"That was a little strange," I thought to myself but I didn't have time to reflect on it now, I had to talk to Nini about her moving to Denver.

Katrina P.O.V

I don't know where I walked or how far but I just know I wanted to get away from Ashlyn's house and Miss Jen. The cold night air stung my cheeks and the wind whipped around my hair but I kept walking, putting as much distance between them and me as I could, that was until I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry," I said and I reached down to pick up a book they had dropped.

It was a journal of some sort with an L on the front.

"Hey don't touch that," a shrill voice told me and I dropped it into a snow pile on accident.

"Ugg now it's going to be wet, thanks a lot," the voice hissed and I finally looked up.

It was a girl with long, blonde, curly hair and bright blue eyes. She was very pretty but her scowl twisted her features unpleasantly. I didn't even need to journal with the L on it to realize who this was. I looked up and sure enough there was a lit up house with red bricks and an old roof with concrete stairs leading to the door. Exactly like the picture.

This was the house my mom specifically told me to stay away from.

"Lily," I whispered and the scowl washed off her face, replaced by an evil smirk.

"Hello sister."

Sorry this chapter was super short but I'm making another so it will be worth it.

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