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Las Vegas, Nevada
February 15th,

Chris is in jail! I cannot believe all of this has happened, it quickly made the news and exploded on social media. Kelly called me.

I made a mental note to call her back but first I had to call Chris's lawyer high-powered attorney Rudy Giuliani. He informed me he'd show up to the present and he'd get Chris out within the hour.

While I waited, I called Kelly back and she answered on the second ring.

" What the hell is going on girl!" she asked.

" Some stuff went down I can't talk about it over the phone," I said.

" I'm riding past your house right now, where are you?" she asked me.

Err... I told Kelly I was in Vegas and of course she asked me a bunch of questions that I could not answer.

" What are you doing in Vegas?" she asked again.

My heart beats a million miles a minute. I didn't know what to say so I quickly thought of a good lie but I don't think she believes me.

" After, all the stuff happened we just needed to get out of LA," I said.

" Okay, friend I just hope you know what you're doing. I'll cover for you in the meantime," Kelly said.

" Okay, I'll call you once I arrive back in LA" I said.

Ending the phone call with Kelly, I quickly got dressed. I wore black sweat pants and I cropped top put my hair in a pony with a baseball cap. I grabbed Chris's keys and stuffed his wallet into my YSL bag. I was so scared to drive the rental I hadn't driven since the accident last year. I took deep breaths and my therapist helped me practice breathing exercises.

I pulled my iPhone and entered the address for the police station. It was 30 minutes away mostly traffic around this time. I started the car pulling out of the parking garage and my palms were sweaty and my heart was beating out of my chest.

" Keep, breathing Aliyah" the traffic mostly stops and go so it wasn't that bad my leg was very shaky I admired my ring the way the sunlight hit the yellow diamond had me hypnotized. I managed to crack a smile I would've thought in my wildest dreams we'd be married.

It took 40 minutes to arrive at the police station and my anxiety subsided 20 minutes in the ride I turned the radio on to distract me. I rushed inside the percent I walked straight to the front desk officer.

" My husband was arrested this afternoon" I said.

He looked up " husbands name?" he asked.

" Christopher Brown" I said.

He shot me a look probably thinking I am a crazy fan I gave him my ID he told me to wait he's being released in a few minutes.

Time moved so slowly it took 45 minutes til I saw Chris. He was walking out with his lawyer, our eyes locked and he grabbed my hand and we rushed out quickly making it to the rental where he briefed him on the specifics of the charges before leaving us.

Chris let out a sense of relief " so, happy to be out of that place" he said.

" Is everything going to be okay?" I asked.

" Don't worry everything is going to be fine I am more upset our celebration was interrupted" he said.

He held my hand kissing it " Baby, did you drive here by yourself?" he asked smiling.

" Yes, I wanted to get here quickly" I said.

Chris had me drive back to our hotel room we packed to leave Vegas we had our marriage license and Chris and I thought about having our license recognized in California but I didn't want the media finding out not at least now we both decided to wait.

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