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New Year's Eve
December 31st,

After contemplating if I should be here, I decided to come to this industry party thrown by Hip-Hop super mogul Shine. I really needed to get out after the scandal Shade room has been on my ass watching my every move, I have to show my face. Although I knew it was a high probability, I would see Chris. A part of me wanted to see him. I missed him so much but with his whole baby situation, all of this is just absolutely messy.

I went over to the bar to grab a drink. I ordered a martini. I watched all the party-goers dancing and enjoying the life I envied them. The only thing that would lift my spirits is if I could talk to Shine to make this connection, I really need something good to happen for me right now. I scanned the room searching for Shine he was poolside standing next to a slim tall balasian-looking chick she was stunning she reminded me of Amerie. I've never seen her before but then again, I don't really go to these kinds of parties.

I grabbed my compact out of my YSL bag. I didn't look my best. My eyes are still puffy from crying. I managed to fix my hair. I had a silk press done just a few days ago. I just wanted to do something nice for myself.

My makeup looked decent. I didn't really have the energy to do it but I took the last few shots of my martini and prepped myself before I walked over. Once I got a little closer, I was able to see the Amarie lookalike a little better and I could tell she didn't like that I interrupted their conversation.

Shine made eye contact with me and he reached out for a warm hug. His personality is larger than life I've met him on a few occasions when Chris and I were dating we never got a chance to talk business.

" aren't you a sight for sore eyes? How are you, Miss. Aliyah?" he said kindly.

Amarie didn't even look in my direction but I didn't acknowledge her presence I simply came here with a plan and I am going to see it though don't care for her stank face.

" Glad, you came out tonight. this is Isis and Isis this is Aliyah" Shine introduced us.

We both exchanged pleasantries " I know who she is" Isis said.

" It's always nice to meet a fan," I said throwing suttle shade.

" Well, I am glad you came over I was telling Isis about my project I think it would be dope if I can get you two on a song together," Shine said.

" I am not sure how that would sound," I said jokingly.

Shine laughed " you both are dope ass singers you cannot tell me no," he said.

I shrugged my shoulders " well, let's do it!" I spoke.

Shine was pleased he looked at Isis and she agreed as well " I have my people send yall the demo I have to take care of business really quick" with that Shine walked away.

Isis pretended to smile but once he was out of earshot, she smacked her lips then walked away without looking at me. She should be grateful he's putting her on his project I've never heard this girl's music this is going to be interesting.

I heard a very familiar laugh from across the room. I didn't even have to look to see who it was I knew I had to get out of this party asap I made a b-line outside to the back exit of the property.

As I walked, I could hear my name being called " Aliyah!" I told myself to keep walking. I felt a hand on my lower back he pulled me into his arms it felt so good and safe but I knew it was all an allusion. I pushed his arms away.

" Please, talk to me I miss you" he pleaded.

Staring into his eyes he looked sincere but I just cannot give in to him every time he hurts me.

" What do you want me to say? this shit hurts I gave you everything and you broke me I don't know if I could ever forgive you" I said holding back tears.

Chris took my hand and we walked towards the back of the property, there was a small pool house. He wanted to talk in private away from everyone I agreed its no use avoiding him I'd have to see him one day. I was not prepared for it to be today.

We both made it inside the poolhouse Chris locked the door behind him. I couldn't help to notice how good he looked, he smelled amazing.

" Thank you for agreeing to talk to me this shit is really fucking my head up ... I need you Aliyah" he said.

Chris came closer to me he ran his hand down to my face pulling my chin closer to his and he kissed me so softly my body reacted to him outside I could hear the partygoers preparing for the countdown.

" I need time," I said.

His kiss deepened " I understand and I'll always be here no matter what Aliyah" he said.

Tears trailed down my face because my heart told me to forgive him and move on but my head was telling me he's making a fool out of you. His hands roamed down my dress lifting me against the wall.

" I need you " he said.

He pulled my panties to the side, unzipped his pants, and he entered me holding me so tight he would not let me go my body banging against the wall I knew I was under his spell again. What is a girl to do? our moans cried over the loud sounds of the countdown

3, 2, 1 Happy New Years! I collapsed into his arms, overcome with pleasure, he held me moving us both on the couch I laid on his chest.

" I am tired of pretending I don't want you," I said.

Chris pulled my face to his kissing me " things, are going to change Aliyah you'll see" he promised me.

Just hoping and praying that I'm not making a bad decision you know what they say fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me...

Girl of my Dream's (Chris Brown Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon