Swara ; SM!! ( shouts angrily).

Sanskar : why? You didn't liked it!! I also hate it when you say this to me!! And you are calling my baby as only my sperm, it's my baby, my child!! My blood!!! How you can say that we don't have any relation just because you hate me.
Your hate will not decide my and my  baby's relation.

Swara rolled eyes uninterestedly which hurts him.

Sanskar : you hide this from family also? Your mother and dida also, how could you?

Swara : I was about to tell them, it's just that the situations were like that! I didn't wanted them to be angry on me for going far in my revenge!
That's why I was searching a suitable time and situation to tell them.

Sanskar : and about me!! Isn't I had right to know about my baby?

Swara : No!! You don't have any right!!
It's only mine baby!!! You are only name sake father, and I don't want your name with my baby,  I hate you and I hate more that you are father of my baby, a jerk!!

Sanskar 's eyes welled up hearing her.

Swara : just because you are biological father of my child that doesn't give you right on my baby!
I am not concerning you as my husband!
Then you don't have any relation with my baby also.
I am finishing your all relations with my baby!

She gasped by a sharp sensation on her cheek looks and find Sharmistra who slapped her hard looking at her angrily along with Shoba who is also standing beside her with Uttara. They are shocked knowing about her pregnancy, Sanskar also looks at them shockingly realized door was opened.

Swara : Maa!

Sharmistra: don't call me Maa! You are insulting the name of mother!
You are pregnant and you hide this much big news from all of us and specially Sanskar!! He have all right to know this. He have all right on this baby!, this baby is not only yours but of Sanskar also.
It's his blood, and blood relations don't break by saying.

Shoba ; Shoru! You crossed your all limits in your revenge! How you can do this? You slept with this men, and this disgusting man, how dare you took advantage of my natin!!

Sharmistra; Maa!! ( shouting shutting her mouth) this men is her husband!
call your natin disgusting who betrayed him like this
Gave him hopes of love, behave like a wife with him and broken his all hopes and dreams in one second.

Swara : Maa! How you can support this men? This men ditched me!

Sharmistra: then what you did? You did biggest ditching to him! He didn't played with your dignity but you played with his emotions while stacking your dignity! ( shutting her mouth) and now after doing this much with him, you are breaking his relations with his baby. You can't do this! He have right on this baby.

Swara : Maa its my baby.

Sharmistra: its your and his both baby! ( calmly) Shona! I am saying you forgot everything, forgot your anger and revenge and recouncil with Sanskar. He love you truly!, I am your mother,  I will never say bad for you. I know he is best for you. I have seen in his eyes.
And now think about your baby, doesn't he/ she need father's love
Isn't you need your baby's father with you?

Swara : No! My baby doesn't need any father!
Not I need him.
When you can raised me without my father then I also can raise my child without its father.

Sharmistra: there is a difference between yours and mine matters Swara.
I was not married with your father, he denied to accept me!
But you are married! Your husband loves you immensely
And you are deliberately want to give your child same fate like you!
Fatherless child?
Your child is legal and you wanna give him/ her illegtimate life.
How you can Shona?

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