Separate Missions - Error

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- Switching Gears -

Error had evaded another attack from Ink and his Ink, of course, as he suffered a splash of said substance not too long ago. He was becoming increasingly irritated as their brawl carried on, wanting to knock Ink out so hard that he would forget who he was the next morning. But he knew that wasn't possible, as the space that they are in wouldn't allow that even if you tried to find a wasy around it. So, he had to make due with what he was trying to do currently.  Capture this annoying Bastard!
"Am I doing too much for you, Error?..! I know that I am quite slippery when it comes down to it, haha!" Ink said, being quite pridful of himself, even giving a laugh that was filled with nothing but pride. "Listen here you sack of nothingness! Once I capture you, you bet your tiny ass that I might just break every bone in that small body of yours!!" Error said this without realizing what he had said. It wasonly after Ink had pointed it out that he dropped his guard a little.

"Wha- you really think that I have a tiny rear?? I thought that it was quite big from my point of view!" Ink knew what he was doing, and what he was saying, a smirk on his face. In saying this as well, he was able to splash Error in Black paint. This splashing is what snapped Error out of his Flash of internalized anger towards Ink's remark, but it was quite too late, as Ink wa able to bind him in the black Ink that he splashed on him.
"Aww, are you stuck from your ankles to your chest there, Errorr?" Ink asked in a taunting voice, tripping Error for him to rest on his back to further add to the taunting of his. Error growled at this, holding back a groan when Ink pressed his oversized brush on his chest, rubbing it in softly. 

"You son of a-!!" "I know why you are here to get me" Error was about to yell out, but instead was interripted by what Ink said, therefore making his eyes widen, but not too much to give away most of his shock. He got a smirk from his reaction nonetheless, Ink rubbing the brush into his chest more. "Yep, I know what you and your Boss, Nightmare, are trying to do, and essenstially achive" Ink looked down to his brush, the paint on the brisles turning from black to green, smirking more. "What do you mean by that you soulless squid!?" Error asked with venom in his voice, looking up to his current captor.

Ink didn't give a resonse. Instead, he let a big green puddle spread from under Error from the black bondage that he was in, steppng back as he snapped his fingers. The paint gave a flash of a brighter color of itself before suddenly and softly baouncing Error up in the air of the endless void that they were currenrly in.
Error's eyes widened from this, using his strings to rip himself from the bondage while he was in the air- he was then literally rocketed down in the blink of an eye by a literal Orane Rocket, essenstially creating a(n) point-blank explosion of nothing but diferent shades of Orange to make it look like and seem like it was an actual explosion. It was fatal. Nor would it kill Error. It was paint. It wouldn't kill him unless it was a Specific Color that Ink was using. 

Error was now on the floor/ground of this void, being at the center stage of the Ink-plosion. He was covered in nothering but different colors of Orange. From the lightest to the darkest. His eyes felt almost as if they were glued shut, as if to see if he opened his eyes, he would see nothing but orange by this point. But,no. That wasn't the case at all. 

When Error opened his eyes, he sawe Ink looking down at him with a big smile onhis face, once again having his brush on his chest, though a little harder this time. "I see that I have tuckered you out a little bit so, I want to leave you with a parting gift. This gift being in the form  of words" Ink said this after turning the paint on the brisles from Orange, to White. In doing so, the white paint began to suck up all teh oraange pain in the area, even that was splattered a good bit away from them. "S-say it so I can kill you already...!" Error said with a raspy voice, still having that venom in his voice. This only made Ink giggle in response, all the Orange Juice now being gone from around and under him. "Since I know your plans of what you are trying to do, just know that I will do Everything in my power to free all of the monsters that you have held captive. Even my friends, Dream and Blue. Being who we are, and who WE are, essentially, are connected. We can feel each other at all times, no matter where we are in this Multitude of Created Universes. I know where they are, and I always know when you are coming for me. Always, and at All Times" Ink said this with a smile on his face. Said smile was quite wide to say the least, almost going from nonexistent ear to nonexitent ear, along with his sharpened skull-like teeth making an appeance. His eyes also closed a little to made slight slits, this expression being quite creepy for Ink, this expression and demeanor was new to Error, making a small chill of sins crawl up his spine. "With that being said.."
Ink then decided to add insult to injury of teh creepiness, by grabbing Error by the collar of his shirt, and pull to be face to face with him. He made sure that he was touching a little but of skin as well, knowing how much Error didn't like to be touched. In return, Error grabbed Ink by the collar of his shirt as well, on relex that is. 

"If you so much as lay a hand on them in Any Way, I will find you..And You Will Regret It"

Ink said this with his eyes widening slowly and more creepily than before. Error was staring deep into the eyes of what he could call as nothingness, trying his best to stop the chills from going up his spine like before. .or unlike before.
Ink then dropped him, his expression going back to normal as if nothing happened, with Error being confused, or course. "If you want me, then you are going to have to find meee!!" he said this with a child-like tone of voice, jumping back and into a a pool of white paint, therefore as a sense of teleportion. 

Error then sat up on his elbows, looking at where Ink had got away. While looking, nothing but chills and anger began to well up inside of him, gritting his teeth roughly and slowly, falling back on the floor below him. He wanted to do a lot of things: He wanted to yell, he wanted to scream, he wanted to punch and kick and basically beat down something. He wanted to do a lot more things that included violnce to appease his boiling-point anger. But..there was nothing that he could do to appease it right now. 

He knew that if he was to go back to Nightmare, he would be the doll that his Boss would throw around..and he didn't want that right now. So..he layed there. Letting his rage eat him up inside, while trying to figure out a way to get capture Ink.

He wouldn't go back until he did so.

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