Killer vs Dust

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After Killer was back into consciousness of losing 'Simulated Blood', it was now time for him and Dust to fight, the both of them getting their weapons ready while they were eyeing each other down. Killer was busy smirking widely, knowing that he would finally win a match, with Dust simply giving a Threateningly Blank expression, one of which he wore on his face day-to-day for people to know not to talk to him or mess with him. Killer, after being humiliated in front of his Boss, wasn't fazed by his stare, rubbing his knife against his wrist to show Dust that he wasn't fazed one bit. Who, initially, didn't care about what he was doing, simply staring him down with what felt like more than His Own Eyes 
This..then proceeded to slightly break Killer's 'Mask', but being able to hold back a shiver, simply smirking more at this- his fearful feeling becoming the feeling of a challenged being proposed- which he would Always accept.  

So, it wasn't long until Nightmare told them to go to their respectable sides of the 'Room', which they slowly did so, Horror currently being on the same side where the others were, but being in a corner as he watched, still rubbing his side since the pain as still there. His expression looked pain and weak, sweat going down his face while he was gripping his axe heavily, even gritting his teeth from the pain in his pack. Dust on the other hand was wanting to look at Horror to see if he was okay, but he couldn't since Killer was moving his hand swiftly as to 'Throw' his knife at Dust, keeping his attention at the moment.
Dust thought that it was a bad moment to look at Horror because of this, and because Nightmare might call for them to fight any second now, but was not the right moment at this point in time was for his shoulder and neck to suddenly begin to irritate, along with his vision slowly but suddenly becoming blurry. This caused his eyes ti widen, the hand that was holding his knife suddenly letting go with his arm going slightly numb in the moment. He could just barely lift it, rubbing his left shoulder softly while trying to look around to see Killer. 

- | "FIGHT!!!" | -

Nightmare suddenly called out-

-Killer then dashing towards Dust and slashing swiftly dodge to the right even through he couldn't see, holding his slightly limp arm close to him. Killer then picking up Dust's knife as he jumped back to close the distance between them- but his eyes widen when he could Feel him behind him, being able to Envision  him slashing at him from behind with both knives- but he quickly did, as you would call, a backflip to avoid it, Killer's eyes widening at this as he watched him go overhead.

Dust jumped back more, going to one knee and resting his arm on his leg, chanting to his himself that now wasn't the right time for this to happen, but it was, sadly. Dust did all he could to put more space in between him and Killer, taking the time to wrap his arm with a bandage as fast as possible. He even put it around his neck like a cast, standing slowly to slightly see that Killer was licking the knives like they were his own, this..disgusting Dust to his core, but was also, deep down, quite happy to have that knife off his hands it was the knife he carried with him throughout all the things that he did.

Killer then chuckled deeply, his body then giving a slight flow of a black outlining, looking dead at Dust and dashing to him at a much more fast pace- Dust's eyes widening as he was barely able to dodge the slash to his neck, having to do the 'Limbo' in order to do so. Killer then attaching to the wall and then bouncing off of it in a dashing sense. Dust barely being able to dodge this as well, having to dodge to the right to do so.

This kept going for what felt like hours, Nightmare, Error and Horror only ever able to watch, their eyes not even being able to watch the lines of blue and black from Killer while Dust was finding it harder and harder to dodge. 

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