Dust - Past Trauma

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My eyes widened quickly from the sound of this, sitting up quickly, only to then see Papyrus enter my vision. His expression was full of worry and fear, his knees being turned inward slightly while he was shaking softly, sweat going down his face at a slightly fast rate. I quickly stood and hugged him tightly, nuzzling into his chest, feeling him hug back with a nervous but happy giggle. The both of us stayed this way for a moment, me clutching onto his back softly as I got closer to him, tears threatening to go leave my eyes. papyrus chuckled softly, rubbing my head softly.

"Wowie, it's been a while since I've seen the top of your head, let alone feeling you hug me like we used to"

I couldn't help but chuckle from this, getting closer to him while smiling more. i couldn't say words..I couldn't say how much I missed him..I couldn't say how much and how long it's been eating me inside about what happened..instead, i wanted the hug to say that for me. The words were stuck in my throat so it was impossible to say anything by this point.

"I have to ask you something, Brother"

I hugged him tighter, slowly looking up to him with a smile- but the moment I did, my eyes widened the smile immediately leaving my face in a mere instant.

"Why dId YoU dO It, BrOthEr..?"

When I looked up..I saw that Papyrus' face was blank, but his eyes and mouth were so wide and filled with such darkness that I've never seen before. My eyes simply went blank from this, my body beginning to shake as I began to back a way slowly, my legs quite literally quivering under my weight. But as I backed away, Papyrus' arms still being out, he began to walk towards me, his tone being so cold and devoid of emotion that I couldn't recognize his tone..or face anymore.

"WhY Did YOu Do IT, sANs!..?"

His tone began to rise in coldnesss, walking faster towards me while his expression was starting to burst in a type of black mass- he was so..frightening that I couldn't recognize him anymore..this wasn't my Brother that I once knew, loved..and killed. This person wasn't the one that took care of me in my time of need- the wasn't the person that made terrible spaghetti, but put his soul in it to make it jsut right- this wasn't the Brother that knew just how to make me smile and laugh on my worst days of living- No..

"WHy SaNS!?!"



This 'person' that once knew..is now the Nightmare that haunts me at night..the ghost that haunts me, and tells me to kill others..the Demonic Entity that I killed for my own personal gain, and for the personal gain of the person that i was trying to defeat-

-And so at this point, I began to run. I turned and ran, tears trailing down and flying off my cheeks as I did so, running as fast as I could to get away from 'It". But, as I ran, I could hear the stomps of even faster running behind me, along with a loud yell of the same question, over and over and over again like a broken record- I couldn't NOT hear it. This question was now stuck in mu head and I couldn't get it out-

-My eyes stayed looking forward, I didn't dare look back while continuing to run. I could feel and hear him getting closer, I could tell that his hands were getting closer to me, I could almost feel them wrapping around my waist and pulling me into a pool of nothingness- I could tell all of this just by the thought of this.

Then all of a sudden, the darkness around me broken out into a foggy forest, along with the Questions behind me instantly stopping. I quickly stopped the moment I saw this, almost running into a tree. Resting my hand onto the tree and cautiously looking around the sides, my eyes I could feel were very wide and tired, strained from being so wide, the tears continuing to run down my face like waterfalls, I couldn't..control my emotions anymore. So..instead of standing around like in Horror movies, I began to walk around, doing so cautiously..like in a Horror movie instead, being sure to look to my sides and behind me from the corner of my blanks eyes..not wanting to miss a millisecond of being safe.
Continuing to walk, I stopped once I felt my bare foot step on something, making a very loud crunch sound. Slowly looking down while still shaking, I saw..Papyrus..but instead of me killing him..he was stabbed and slashed and cut everywhere, his bones somehow still being intact but fragments of his bones being everywhere. His head was..gone from his body while he was bleeding from every orifice of his body. Looking down directly at my foot, I saw that his severed arm slowly came into view..

This sight..literally made me sick- the next thing I know I'm standing hunched over a tree, throwing up harshly onto the side of it. I stood there, continuing to do this until all of the image was forcibly thrown out of my system- I couldn't stand having it in my system anymore- it was so..haunting that..I couldn't help but throw up again for another 5 minutes.

After doing so, I wiped my mouth softly, shivering and shaking more while standing before this scene. And so, mentally preparing myself for what I saw 10 minutes ago..I turned and looked behind me with closed eyes, only to then open them..and the moment I opened them-

"H- h- Hel- l- LO S- s- San- N - sY! !! !"

-Chara was about 10 inches in front of me, holding a big blood red knife while blood was dripping from it, bone marrow also being on it- a wide demonic smile being on her face while thick black tears and goop was coming from her eyes, nose and mouth, along with her body proportions glitching like no tomorrow. 

The  A b s o l u t e  moment I saw this..

..I Woke Up..

..And Screamed..

..The Loudest And As Much As My Nonexistent Lungs Could Carry Me..

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