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Dust stripped himself into being nude, looking at himself in the mirror, seeing that it was spreading to his cheek, past his collar bone and partially over his chest, as it even had the nerve to even move down his side, causing him to rub his hand down slowly and heavily with a pained expression. He was gripping his neck roughly by this point, trying to stop the tears from flowing from his eyes while sweating heavily now, this..these. .Dark Yellow Swirls making their way down and across his body in a very slow and painful pace. Once they got to a certain area on his body, he gave a yelp with a sudden yell of pain, as this was the Bay Line of when it previously stopped, falling to his knees and continuing to yell in pain..almost yelling in pain by this point, gripping his chest harshly with both hands. Dust then fell to his side, the tears now flowing down his face like a soft waterfall, not able to hold them back anymore.

He..didn't want to be seen as weak in front of his teammates, wanting to let his weakness show in front of himself instead, as he would feel ashamed if any of them saw him this way. He was about to scream again when-
"D-don't Come In Here!!" Dust suddenly yelled, pushing his pained a=body against his door heavily to keep Horror from coming in. He simply had his hand on the doorknob when this happened, being able to hear Dust's screams and yelling-s of pain, being extremely worried. "B-but..y-you're in p-pain-" "T-that- Urk!..d-Doesn't m-matter..! Don't A-ah!!..w-worry about m-me..!" His voice was becoming more and more course as he spoke, fighting through as much pain as possible to try and speak normally.
Horror was now more worried, trying to fully open the door now, but Dust wouldn't allow it, locking the door like he was supposed to before hand. Stepping away from the door while Horror was knocking on it heavily, he stumbled to his bed with blurry vision, throwing his clothes to the floor through pain, getting in his bed and under his covers..fighting through the pain like a stubborn child not wanting to take their medicine. 

Horror, Killer, Error, and even Nightmare were soon altogether trying to get Dust out of his room. Nightmare was demanding him to while the other four were arguing and almost on the brink of having a fight, which Nightmare had to break up.
They were yelling and demanding and shouting for Dust to come out of his room, Nightmare even starting to count down from 10, this showing that he was starting to become worried but, being quite the master of hiding his feelings.

It wasn't until 30 Minutes later when Horror had finally busted down his door, when they saw Dust laying on his bed, a burst of cold air exiting his room like a massive freezer. Horror was the first to Enter and essentially already in the room, going to Dust's room and seeing that..he was bleeding from the mouth. There was a splatter of blood of his pillow which Error, when he saw it, thought of it as blood that was coughed up..but was..just as worried as Horror was.
Horror on the other hand telling him to wake up and saying that he would be in massive trouble if he didn't. .or would be in more trouble if it was a prank. . .but it wasn't. Killer rested a hand on Dust's neck and felt that his pulse wasn't there..also able to feel that he was extremely cold within the span of just 50 Minutes. Horror's eyes widened from this..picking Dust up against him and shaking him softly and gently for him to wake up..not sure of what else to do in this situation.

Nightmare had turned away, not wanting them to see his face. Killer and Error were holding Dust's hands softly, not sure of what to do  but this as well. Horror..now finding himself crying..resting his forehead against Dusts's softly, who's bleeding wouldn't stop at all.


(676 Words)

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