New Friendships..? II

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Dust woke up slowly, stretching only his legs while his hands still rested in his lap, soon noticing out of the corner of his eye that he was in Horror's lap. his eyes widened once he turned his head completely to look at him, his body tensing up quickly. He didn't..quite remember what all happened, as his mind was a complete blur, along with his vision being slightly blurry from just haven woken up..but he feels its from something else as well. Horror was currently a sleep, his snores being light, as others thought that he would snore a little heavier, assuming this from how he looked. Dust on the other hand..simply wanted to get out of his lap, as he was a little bit uncomfortable at the moment- he was just now starting to get up from his lap, when Horror suddenly pulled him back in his lap, giving a low groan in his sleep with his eyebrows furrowing softly. Dust became more uncomfortable, along with a light blush dusting onto his face, as he was finding it harder to sit still.
He didn't really enjoy being Super close to people- he was like Error where he didn't like being touched, he just doesn't like being super close to people, even if they are close friends. Strangers, he would probably knock out for being close for the longest period of time, either on purpose or on accident. So..all he could do was stay still, stay quiet, and hope that Horror wouldn't do anything harsh to him. .seeming as to how HE has him in his lap, and not on his own will. 
But..soon enough..Dust began to remember a few things from a long times ago. His head and chest began to hurt from thinking about them, having to hold onto his head with one and hand and his chest with another, his teeth even gritting softly. As he was having these memories, he was brought close by Horror, who was now awake, but could fake his snores at any given time. He was looking down at a slowly-progressive-distraught Dust, a smile coming to his face while the eye that was in his eye being bolgy, but in a passive way. Dust's body began to shake a little, giving soft twitches, but soon becoming physically aware of Horror's body and warmth once again, this not exactly stopping his shaking did help his hands from hurting his head anymore. He didn't even notice that his body was covered in bandages, his vision being too blurry to notice anything anymore- Horror's warmth was calming down Dust to the point where he gripped onto him softly with a hand, his expression being a little blank at the moment, but that slowly began to change when he started to become more indulged into Horror's warmth, his expression becoming more soft. His hands also losing their grip with his shaking body slowly calming down to light twitches. 
It wasn't too long when Dust slowly and cautiously rested his head against Horror's chest softly, his eyes soon closing softly, his mind becoming clear once he began to hear Horror's soul-beat in his chest. His mind began to become fixated on this rhythm, pressing his head against Horror's chest softly to get more of a feeling from it, even rubbing his stomach slightly from being so in-tuned. But then again, not too long after, a smile slowly came to Dust's face, a light blush of purple also coming to his face. 

And so, it wasn't too long before he began to rub Horror's chest softly, going up and down at a very slow and unrecognizable pace, his slender and claw-like fingers going up and down in a way that he has never done before. He didn't notice that he was doing this either, his eyes being closed at the moment while his smile only grew very slowly and slightly. And while he was doing this, Horror awoke with a light yawn, looking down to see that Dust was rubbing his chest in a very slow way. His face bursting in a deep blush, but smiling softly anyway, his Soul even skipping a beat. Dust hearing this with a loud and audible thu-Bump! filling his nonexistent ear and head suddenly, but in a very warm and soft way. But, this ended up causing his eyes to shoot open gently, as they were still half-lidded from the mood he was currently in- Calm..this calmness but of one that he hasn't experienced since Papyrus was a baby..holding him in his arms while looking down at him lovingly and protectively, the warmest and happiest smile being on his face. was in that moment when Dust's eyes widened heavily, looking up to Horror slowly to see that..his eyes were still closed, soon hearing (fake)low and gentle snores. .this not being the thing that caught him off was the thought of Papyrus and the past. . .it..didn't hurt to think about it anymore. His eyes slowly went blank, but in that moment, That was when he noticed that he was rubbing Horror's chest, quickly moving his hand away, as he was now slightly excited but also confused..looking down at his hand.
His hand was normal..but it felt weird now. Weird in a way that it had the sensation of rubbing..but also the remembrance of the beating of Horror's soul. .finding himself that he was missing the feeling- his hand was now once again resting atop of Horror's chest, his eyes being blank still. Not only that but, his nonexistent ear was now again getting an earful of Horror's 'Beat' once more..missing it for some reason. 

And wasn't long before his eyes closed again, in a droopy manner, continuing his rubbing. His body feeling like Jello when it melts in something warm and wet. Horror opening his eyes once more, looking down at Dust with his gaze being unknowingly loving, a smile of the same coming to his face, as he rests a hand on his shoulder, pulling him closer as to squish him closer..smiling more from his own action, not even noticing that he was purring.

"Would you like to be friends, Dust?"

"Sure..I don't mind"

Horror was aware of the question that he had just asked..

..But Dust wasn't aware of the answer that he had just given

(1053 Words)

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