I pause and stare at him for a second before we both break out in laughter. For some reason that simple moment made both of us laugh for a solid ten minutes.

Present Time

I need to stop thinking about this shit.

I guess that's an exact representation of my general avoidance for anything.

I don't want to avoid Margo, though. I want to be around her, at least while I'm stuck in here.

My talk with Dr. Indy really made me realize how much I do want to be around Margo.

Fuck it. If it ends badly, it'll just be like everything else in my life, right?

I should stop being so cautious and protective because it's not working.

I pull open the door to my room and turn to walk towards Margo's room down the hall.

I'm stopped in my tracks when I see Margo leaning against the wall a little down the hall. She's in an old over sized band tee and black sweatpants that pool at her feet.

Her thick curly waves are covering her face and she's pulling on her fingers, cracking them occasionally.

"Margo?" I say quietly. I slowly walk towards her as she lifts her head, a small smile greeting me.

"Oh. Hey," she responds.

I lean on the wall across from her. "Are you okay? Why are you standing here."

She's silent for a moment, her flawless face looking down at her hands. "Want the truth or a lie?"

I laugh once. "Preferably truth,"

She sighs heavily, finally looking up at me. Her eyes are full of hesitancy and she almost looks scared. I don't like that. I don't want her to be scared to talk to me.

"I've basically been contemplating whether or not I should ignore you."

My entire body freezes at her words.


"What do you mean?" I ask, knowing damn well what she means. I've been doing the same thing.

Margo walks over to me and leans on the side of the wall to my right, looking at me.

"I don't want to get used to being around you if we're just gonna go back to reality in a week." She admits.

I look away, her honesty too intense for me. How is it possible that we've been feeling the exact same way?

After processing for a moment, I look at her again, crossing my arms. "You didn't listen in on my session with Dr. Indy, did you?"

Margo jerks back, looking offended. "What? Why the hell would I do that?"

"Well I'm a little freaked out because this is exactly what I talked about in therapy and now you're telling me you were thinking the same thing. Can't kill a guy for being confused."

Margo stares blankly at me. "So instead of assuming that maybe we're on the same page, instead you assume that I'm a stalker? Nice,"

Lost in JulyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon