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I don't know why the fuck I trusted a word out of Davis' mouth.

As soon as Margo disappeared into the bathroom, Davis and his date ran up to me. "Collin, meet my date, Lucy." The short girl beside him offers a small smile and shakes my hand.

"Nice to meet you," I say apprehensively. "why are you talking to me?" I whisper to Davis with clenched teeth.

He sighs gesturing his head at Lucy, signaling her to walk away like a well-trained dog. When she's gone, he stares at me blankly. "We were friends once," he tires.

"Yeah, and you were a shitty friend." I attempt to walk away from him. How did we get so far from the bathroom?

Davis grabs my arm. "You can't just say shit like that and not explain, man. So I told your mom. I saved your fuckin' life."

I scoff, jerking my shoulder so his arm falls off of me. "Don't go telling yourself you're a hero. My life didn't need saving."

"You were going to kill yourself!" He shouts angrily.

I'm starting to get extremely pissed off and worried about Margo. "Whatever, Davis. That's not even why I stopped talking to you. Can we please argue about this some other time? I need to get back to Margo." Maybe if I'm calm and kind, I can appeal to his human side.

Davis' face breaks out into a bone-chilling smirk. "She's just fine,"

My heart drops at his words. I should've known. "Where is she?"

"I'm sure she's in the bathroom," he shrugs. "It's a matter of who she's with. . ." I can't help the explosive anger building inside me. I hardly think about it when my fist slams into Davis' left cheek. I put every ounce of my strength behind that punch, causing him to tumble backward.

Everyone is shouting now, but I quickly make my way back to the bathroom, my blood boiling at the thought of someone hurting Margo. I know she can take care of herself, but not knowing where she is or what's happening is killing me.

Once I break from the crowd, someone clutches my arm. I look down to find Davis' date. "She's over there," she points across the room. I follow her finger and I finally see Margo. Instead of relief, I feel pain. She's hyperventilating.

I sprint to her. "Margo!"

She turns to me and her face softens, her green eyes wide and drained of color. "Are you okay?!" She says as soon as my arms wrap around her.

"Me? Yes, I'm fine. What happened?" I ramble, holding her at arm's length and looking over her body to ensure she's not injured. I need to know what Davis was talking about. I need to know who he's talking about.

Margo sighs. "I'm sorry," she weeps quietly, dropping her head onto my shoulder and squeezing me as tight as she can. "It was X. He's here."

My body stills as I hear the name I've been dreading. The name I knew I'd hear but desperately didn't want to. I gently pull back to look at her, being sure not to let go. "Where is he?"

Margo shakes her head. "Don't go. Please." Her perfect sea-green eyes are hazy with tears and I can feel my heart-shattering piece by piece.

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