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It's Wednesday morning, and I still haven't heard from Margo since she texted me on Sunday night.

She refuses to answer any of my other texts, and I'm really starting to think she's been kidnapped or something.

I promised her I wouldn't just show up to her house since I tried that the first time, but I'm starting to feel like I don't have a choice.

I just need to know if she's okay.

My uniform feels suffocating as I step onto the subway to take me to school. I pull at my tie and unbutton the top of my dress shirt- feeling the need to breathe.

I'm about to sit in a vacant seat on the right side of the train, but someone pulls me from the left, causing me to fall into the seat next to them.

"What the fu—" I look up to see a young girl, fifteen or sixteen, staring at me wide-eyed. She looks oddly familiar...

"Hello," she says awkwardly. She smiles with guilt in her eyes and I suddenly see the resemblance. "I'm Marley,"

Realization washes over me and I note the similarities in their features. Her hair is straight but it's wild, brunette, long and full around her pale skin. Just like Margo. Her eyes are brown, yet they are shaped just the same. They have the same nose and lips, yet Marley's feature are more childish, somehow.

"Marley July," I finish for her, sitting up in my seat.

She nods. "Look we don't have a lot of time. I need to get to school and you need to get to my house."

I stare at her blankly. "Huh?"

Marley rolls her eyes at me. Ah. They really are sisters. "Margo hasn't left her bed since she got back from the dance. She hasn't spoken since Monday night. I don't know what to do and I think the only person that can get through to her is you."

I let out a deep breath. "She's okay? She's home and alive?"


"Fuck," I mutter, rubbing my hands over my face vigorously. "Okay, i'll go see her. How did you know to find me?"

Marley smiles slightly, looking at her hands. "She speaks of you a lot. I saw a picture and your address in her phone. I just hoped you'd take the train to school today."

I chuckle. "Margo told me how smart you are,"

Marley's eyes light up. "She talks about me?"

It's my turn to roll my eyes now. "Of course she does,"

Marley looks away, facing the window now. I know how hard it can be to love someone who's so distant because of their illness. I can't imagine how hard it is to watch your sister go through something like what Margo is going through. One second she's Marley's loving big sister. The next she's unrecognizable, or worse, she's gone completely, locked away in some hospital.

Marley subtly wipes a tear from her eye and turns back to face me. "You need to go to my house now. Before my parents get home from work," she puts a small piece of paper in my hand. "that's the garage code."

"Thank you, Marley." I hold her hand and smile at her. The train comes to a stop and we part ways as I head to her sister.

I'm standing in front of Margo's house, about ready to throw up.

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