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Romantic gestures aren't my thing, but I've been kept away from the one person I love the most for days, and I just knew I had to see her when the clock hit midnight.

So that's why I'm standing here with a fucking pathetic looking cupcake, praying that Margo heard me.

Seeing her standing on the rooftop like that horrified me. I was so scared she was going to jump, and I knew it was all my fault.

I couldn't get her attention until she was sitting down or at the very least not swaying back and forth on the damn ledge.

I saw her look down at me, but I don't know if she knew it was me, and I can only pray that she opens the door soon because it's cold as fuck out here and I don't know how much time I have.

Sure enough, I hear someone picking with the locks on the door before it swings open, revealing the most beautiful sight.

My Margo, disheveled and confused, yet so endlessly beautiful. God, I missed her.

Neither of us speak, just staring at each other. I smile as I take in the shocked expression on her face. She looks so pretty I'm not even sure she's real. Sometimes I worry I've imagined her entirely.

"Happy Birthday, Margo." I hand her the cupcake, but she merely stares at it in awe.

Her eyes flicker between me and the cupcake. "Am I hallucinating?" She whispers. And then she pokes my cheek.

I break out into a laugh and shake my head. "No, baby. It's me. I'm here, and I'm so sorry it took me so long."

My words hardly enter the universe before she's taking the cupcake, gently placing it on the ground before pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

I immediately wrap my arms around her waist as she rests her head into the crook of my neck.

We stay like this for a while, and I hold her tight for as long as she needs me to. I can't imagine the mental agony I put her through when I didn't show up. I knew when Marley knocked on my window that I was right.

When Margo finally pulls away, she looks deep into my eyes before punching me in the shoulder. Hard.

"Ow! What the fuck, Margo?" I hold my arm where she hit me.

"That's for leaving me in here alone for six whole days and ignoring every single one of my calls!" She clearly felt bad though because she kissed my arm where she had punched me.

I sigh, grabbing her hands and holding them tightly as I try to explain. "I didn't have a choice. X broke into my house and really fucked things up for us."

Margo's eyes go wide. "What?"

I quickly explain to her everything that went down and why my parents are so adamant that we stay away from each other. I tell her how my psychotic mother took my phone and my computer, and basically anything she thought I could use to get in touch with Margo.

Margo listens intently and I can see her anger toward me dissolving. "Sorry I hit you," she mumbles.

I chuckle. "I deserved it." I pick up her cupcake from the ground and hand it to her. "Now eat, birthday girl. We don't have much time and I need to celebrate with my girl."

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