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Margo and I stayed on the roof until four in the morning.

We didn't talk too much, but we didn't need to. I think both of us just wanted to be in the presence of someone. To feel normal, even if we were lounging on the top of a mental hospital.

We walked back to our rooms when staring at the stars in silence became boring and our eyes started to droop. Margo seemed okay by the time we walked to her room, but her emotions are hard to read. She's very good at hiding them.

I didn't get much sleep. It's nine in the morning now, nearly time for my medication, so i don't bother trying to fall back asleep. I don't mind, though. Sitting up on that roof with Margo was the most peace I've had in months.

Today's schedule will be the same as yesterday and the day before that, and I wish I could grab a remote and fast forward to when it gets better.

After the nurse brings it to me, I take my medication and then head to the cafeteria for breakfast. I only grab an apple, not feeling like eating anything too big.

The cafeteria is relatively empty, with a few patients lingering here and there. I take my apple to go and walk around.

Group therapy isn't until one o'clock and I've got nothing to do to occupy myself until then.

I slowly walk towards the common area, hoping someone or something will cure my boredom.

I have no luck though. It's empty and the TV is entertaining a vacant couch. I sigh heavily, plopping myself down onto the couch and stretching my legs.

Some kind of sitcom is on, one I don't recognize, and the harmonic laughter of the audience every two minutes is starting to make my head hurt.

I let my eyes flutter shut and try to block out the noise, sinking into the uncomfortable couch.

I don't know how much time passes before I hear a loud bang and several shouting voices.

I immediately jump up, my curiosity carrying me out of the common area and towards the voices.

I stop in the doorway to the visiting room. The last person I expected to see was Margo.

Her hair is tied into a messy bun, small pieces of hair flying around her face. She's bright red and her eyes hold the most anger I've ever seen. Her oversized clothes make her look small and fragile, but her fierce demeanor and piercing stare have her looking unusually intimidating.

"Who the fuck let him in here? Get him out!" She shouts, her voice taking on a lower, more aggressive tone.

I can't see who she's talking about from where I'm standing, but I assume it's not someone she's fond of.

"Babe, don't be like that. You know you miss me." A raspy male voice sounds from the other side of the glass. I can hardly hear him, but he's definitely shouting as well.

"What's going on here?" The burly security guard stands beside Margo, looking very uninterested.

I lean my back against the wall closest to the open doorway, ensuring that Margo or the security guard won't see me eavesdropping. I peek my eyes around, only the top of my head visible.

Margo ignores the security guard and whips her head around to face the mystery man, laughing monotonously as she licks her lips.

"Go fuck to yourself, X. Now get the fuck out of here before I break this glass and choke you to death with my bare fucking hands!" She takes a deep breath and turns away from him again as if his face is too aggravating to look at.

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