"Hey, it's okay, you're safe." Ringed greenish-yellow gems peered at you. Closing your eyes you let out a small whimper. "Had another nightmare?" His voice was soft, filled with concern, "yes, a memory of the past."

Hizashi nods, knowing all too well what had happened to you all those months ago. Left for dead by your loved ones, unlike himself. All he could do was hope that his husband and their children were safe at UA, far away from the craziness that was happening in America. However, it had been so long since the last time he had heard their voices.

You knew he missed them, every once in a while you would hear him telling himself in their voices that everything was fine, that the blond had to keep going forward to get home. Get back to them and bring you along.

About six months ago you escaped the mobile home your sister stayed in. She had taken her boat and left with the kids, leaving you behind, not knowing if you were alive or dead. Luckily you knew your way around the area. It took a few days to make it to a small town but during your travels, you learned that a quirk went wild, turning people into mindless zombies.

America's top heroes were powerless, everyone was, no one could stop the quirk once the user snapped. No one was immune, it swept through the states in mere weeks. Getting into the far reaches of the Bayou by the end of the third week.

"I'm right here if you want to talk about it, dear." Handing you a cup of your favorite drink, the man, Hizashi Yamada or Present Mic as the world used to know him. Gave you comfort after getting consent to approach you.

"I think I'm alright now that I am awake. Besides, I can tell you haven't been to sleep at all. Having a rough time?" He chuckles a bit, large hand rubbing at the back of his neck. "Am I that easy to read, yo?"

Nodding and humming softly, you confirmed what he already knew. "You're right, it's been a rough day. But! You don't have to worry about me, little listener! After a short nap, I'll be good to go." You gave him a worried looked but all Mic did was smile.

Watching over the fair-complexioned man was part of your daily life now. It's the least you could do after he saved you from a crazed group that was gathering up the youth, offering up their blood in hopes of ridding the world of this plague. Not every teen was turned into blood bags. No, some were kept, turned into breeders for dirty old men. Even in an apocalypse some things never change, it was sickening really.

That day, Zashi had been out on a run when he stumbled across a group of men cornering two individuals. One a preteen, the other in their teens. At first, he thought they were zombies and thought nothing of sniping them. His quirk was useful and useless when it came to fighting the infected. Able to scramble their brains with a single scream was great but it took time and always made more come his way. On top of that, anyone not infected would also be hit by his quirk.

Hurting innocent people was something Hizashi always hated. It's a good thing this country was big on guns... Learning to shoot was a lot harder than the former teacher thought it would be, it's a good thing he's always been a fast learner.

After taking out three of the five males, the other two ran, taking cover where they could. While the preteen yelled something about their leader not being happy about you trying to leave. Breeders were rare after all. That's all you needed to hear, putting your hands up to show you weren't a threat you called out for help and the pro hero answered. Telling you where to go while the others tried to pinpoint his location, from that point forward it has been the two of you.

Sometimes you cross paths with others, some friendly, some not so friendly. Information is exchanged with those who are friendly, either for goods, ammo, or a place to sleep.

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