16. Lights Out

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It's been a few days since the trip to Savannah. I've been keeping my eyes on the floor when I can, making excuses for Skeppy to go places on his own, keeping car rides between us quiet, etc. I can't help but feel this weird tension ever since the club. The air was so hot, the space between us so tight, and it was a close call that I wasn't prepared for the repercussions.

My alarm blares at 6:30, waking me up to walk Lucy and change my clothes. I call Mrs. Rose to make up an excuse to Skeppy.

Mrs. Rose :3

Mrs. Rose: Hello Bad.

Bad: Hi Mrs. Rose.

Mrs. Rose: Good morning, how are you?

Bad: I'm good, how are you?

Mrs. Rose: Great, great, so why'd you call?

Bad: I didn't want to reach out to Skeppy directly because he might still be sleeping. But can you let him know once he's awake that I can't drive him. My dog is throwing up right now so I won't get there in time.

Mrs. Rose: Oh yes of course, I'll let him know don't worry.

Bad: Ok thank you so much!

Mrs. Rose: Bye bye Bad.

Bad: Bye Mrs. Rose.

I close the phone then call Quackity.

Big Q :D

Big Q: Hey bro.

Bad: Hey, want to get breakfast this morning?

Big Q: It's 7am, but sure.

Bad: Where should we go?

Big Q: Waffle house please.

Bad: Ok, see you there in ten minutes.

Big Q: Yeah, bye.

Bad: Bye.

I get my things and go in my car to drive to waffle house. We sit at a booth and the waiter comes up, "What would y'all like to drink today?" "Coffee please," I replied. Quackity says, "Coffee as well, and some cream on the side too." He nods, "Got it, I'll be back with those drinks and ready to take your orders." We nod and the waiter goes away.

Quackity says, "So why breakfast this early? Don't you have to drive Mr. Skeppy?" I shrug, "I called and said Lucy is throwing up so I can't drive him." "Is Lucy alright?" he asks. I nod, "Yeah she's fine, I might've...lied." He laughs, "Why?"

I say, "So you know how I went to Savannah with Skeppy and my co workers right?" He nods, "Yeah." I say, "Well during the trip, I don't know how to word it...things got a bit awkward." "Awkward?" he repeats.

I nod, "Yes awkward. It was all going well on the road, he even sat in the front seat beside me. But my mind kinda got confused while at the beach." "Confused?" he asks. I nod, "Yeah. No shaming me for what I'm gonna say, alright?" He nods, "Of course, no judgement from me."

I say, "Honestly...you know the small crush I had on Skeppy? I think I genuinely like him now." His eyes widened, "What?"

The waiter comes over with our drinks, placing them down, then saying, "So do y'all know what you want to order?" I nod, ordering steak and eggs. He looks at Quackity, "And for you sir?" Quackity seems to wake from a trance saying, "Yeah, sorry, I'll get a chocolate chip waffle." The waiter nods, grabbing our menus, and going to prepare our food.

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